Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Canyon: the trail of scientists McKee 1946
[The Nogales story] Mahoney 1955
1968: it was a very good year - for crime Moore 1969
3...2...1...liftoff Moore 1970
3..2..1.. Liftoff Moore 1970
3..2..1..liftoff Moore 1970
A 25th Anniversary salute McPherson 1990
A 9th century Salado () kivat at Walnut Creek, Arizona Morris 1969
A 'bakery' for skirts is visited by the nicest people Megargee 1958
A campaign against the Moqui Pueblos Martinez 1931
A campaign against the Moqui pueblos Martinez 1931
A chapter in the life of Raso, a railroad ghost town Myrick 1976
A chapter in the life of Raso, a railroad ghost town Myrick 1976
A check-list of items published by the private press of Edwin B. Hill Muir 1967
A chivalrous killer Myers 1964
A clay sandal last from Utah McGregor 1948
A coarse octahedrite from Bloody Basin, Arizona Buseck, Moore 1966
A Cochise Culture human skeleton from southeastern Arizona McWilliams 1971
A Cochise Culture human skeleton from southeastern Arizona McWilliams 1971
A community celebrate growth Mahoney 1956
A community celebrates growth Mahoney 1956
A community celebrates growth Mahoney 1956
A community celebrates growth Mahoney 1956
A community challenge; the widespread sale of smut Moore 1970
A cowpoke home from the range Morse 1976
A cowpoke home from the range Morse 1976
A day in Cherelon Ca Moffett 1889
A day in Cherolon Ca Moffet 1889
A descriptive bibliography on the San Antonio - San Diego mail line McMillen 1955
A descriptive bibliography on the San Antonio-San Diego mail line McMillen 1955
A descriptive bibliography on the San Antonio-San Diego mail line McMillen 1955
A descriptive bibliography on the San Antonio-San Diego mail line McMillen 1955
A desert home built on spacious lines Moyer 1957
A desperado named 'Black Jack' dies to musical accompaniment Myers 1956
A door opens toward a new way of life Megargee 1958
A family of rockfounds Megargee 1957
A family of rockhounds Megargee 1957
A family of rockhounds Megargee 1957
A fanciful flow of language. Mahoney 1965
A fantastic forest Musgrave 1932
A favorite chef shares a few culinary secrets Megargee 1958
A few bits of wood Moore 1961
A few Hopi songs from Moenkopi Macleish 1941
A good time was had by all Megargee 1958
A hike on the East Verde Moore 1959
A home with emphasis on light Moyer 1958
A home with many views Moyer 1956
A human effigy of stone from a great kiva figurine found near Springerville, Arizona Martin 1961
A land-grant guarantee; The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo or the Protocol of Queretaro Mawn 1975
A lava covered tertiary forest in Southern Arizona Damon, Miller 1963
A little bit of Old Russian in old Arizona Mahoney 1965
A lively week at Tubc McPhee 1976
A look at the developing economy of southeast Navajo County McCleneghan, Henderson 1963
A loving cup for perfect attendance Mahoney 1959
A man of steel in a women's slimnastics class Mahoney 1963