Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
An Indian trader's plea for justice Mitchell 1972
An Indian trader's plea for justice, 1906 Mitchell 1972
An Indian trader's plea for justice, 1906 Mitchell 1973
An Indian traders's plea for justice, 1906 Mitchell 1972
An interview with Simon Ortiz Manley 1989
An old house gets its face lifted Mahoney 1956
Analysis of human skeletal remains from two sites in Arizona Mulinski 1971
Ancient ceremonial caves of central Arizona Mitalsky 1931
Ancient ceremonial caves of central Arizona Mitalsky 1931
Ancient ceremonial caves of central Arizona Mitalsky 1931
Ancient ceremonial caves of central Arizona Mitalsky 1931
Ancient ceremonial caves of central Arizona Mitalsky 1931
Ancient ceremonial caves of central Arizona Mitalsky 1931
Ancient ceremonial caves of central Arizona Mitalsky 1931
Ancient ceremonial caves of central Arizona Mitalsky 1931
Ancient culture Megargee 1956
Ancient pueblos of New Mexico and Arizona Manning 1875
Ancient pueblos of New Mexico and Arizona Manning 1875
And forget the remarks about limp-wristed hairdressers Malone 1971
And what became of the backstage baby? Moran 1970
Angeline's grave Morris 1974
Angie Dickinson and a rainy day in Old Tucson town Moyer 1968
Answers, she gets answers Mackin 1965
Antelope Falls: desert beauty spot Moore 1960
Anyone for Podunk? Megargee 1957
Anyone for Podunk? Megargee 1957
Apache "bad medicine." Marquise 1970
Apache desert homes for cattle auction Mahoney 1953
Apache land Mahoney 1954
Apache land Mahoney 1954
Apache revival Mahoney 1957
Apache tears Moore 1961
Apaches McCool 1968
Apprenticeship programs prepare young men for skilled jobs Mahoney 1958
Archaeological problems existent in the San Pedro River Valley Myers 1972
Are you a sportsman or a litterbug! Moore 1958
Are you a sportsman or a litterbug? Moore 1958
Arizona --- cornucopia to the nation McCorkindale 1976
Arizona --- cornucopia to the nation McCorkindale 1976
Arizona --- cornucopia to the nation McCorkindale 1976
Arizona - tourist route to Mexico McCleneghan 1956
Arizona 64 Muench 1963
Arizona antelope McGregor 1935
Arizona Beau Brummells get glamour in shirts Megargee 1956
Arizona Beau Brummells gets glamour in shirts Megargee 1956
Arizona characters in silhouette Murdock
Arizona characters in silhouette Murdock
Arizona characters in silhouette Murdock
Arizona characters in silhouette Murdock
Arizona commercial banking since World War II Marshall 1966
Arizona cracks its own McClellan 1956
Arizona economy "on hold" while U.S. economy cools McPheters 1989
Arizona forests and their protection McKibben 1914
Arizona is my studio Manley 1956
Arizona progress and air-conditioning, or The cool generation, or Rub the sleep out of your eyes; the water's just fine McNeil 1961