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Article Title Author Last Name Year
Their grubstake is in copper Lesure 1955
Therapeutic values in Navajo religion Leighton 1967
Therapeutic values in Navajo religion Leighton 1967
There is a lure to lofty places Leonhard 1962
There is no raodside rest Lee 1975
There will always be the small miner Lynch 1971
There will always be the small miner: life in the hills Lynch 1972
There's a reason for those barba and snares Laudermilk 1946
They braved the wild, wild river Lauritzen 1958
They braved the wild, wild river Lauritzen 1958
They build for beauty and tone Lang 1963
They built an airplane in the basement. Leatham 1958
They hope it's a gasser Lynch 1971
They hope it's a gasser Lynch 1971
They hope it's a gasser Lynch 1971
They left their prints in stone Laudermilk 1948
They never hear a word they say Lynch 1970
They never hear a word they say: a young couple's triumph over deafness Lynch 1970
They're bringing water to Gila Valley Lamb 1940
They're bringing water to Gila Valley Lamb 1940
They're bringing water to Gila Valley Lamb 1940
This is small town radio' Lee 1975
This Miss Muffet likes spiders Lang 1963
Thunder god's fire Leatham 1964
Thunder River Lauritzen 1950
To Aravaipa the hard way Leatham 1968
Tombstone's Wild Bunch Lowe 1976
Too uppity for Ortega Lacey 1991
Tortilla Flat Leatham 1920
Townhouses; unlikely success in the wide open spaces Leohard 1967
Tracking paint across Arizona Lee 1977
Trader turned author: Navajos and the trading business Lynch 1970
Trader turned author; Navajo and the trading business Lynch 1970
Traditional Navaho theories of disease and healing Luckert 1972
Traditional Navaho theories of disease and healing Luckert 1972
Tragedy stalked the Powers family Long 1970
Traveling the Canyon's white water highway Lee 1906
Traveling the Canyon's white water highway Lee 1960
Treasure tales told by Verde Valley people Lyons 1974
Treasure the Dutchman couldn't hide Leatham 1965
Treasure the Dutchman couldn't hide Leathman 1965
Treasures of Colossal Cave Leonard 1972
Trek for lost gold Lesure 1954
Tucson- the Old Pueblo Lockwood 1930
Tucson, Arizona; where the wild West shows play to good business Lee 1912
Tucson, old and new Levick 1912
Tumbleweed takes a tumble Larson 1975
Tunnel through the rocky Rom Leatham 1964
Turf Paradise where the action is Lewis 1970
Turn in a Pusher Lawson 1974
Udalls and Indians enliven the party trail Leighton 1968
Uncle Sam bought a cactus garden Lederer 1954
University hospital Layton 1972
Untruthful James Lummis 1901
Untruthful James Lummis 1901