Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
The Kadota fig industry in the Casa Grande Valley Lavers 1929
The lady killer Lake 1967
The land of el Dorado; a journey along the Coronado trail Lesure 1955
The law in Quartzsite Lee 1976
The linguistics approach Lynch 1971
The lippazandor-ballett dancer Lang 1962
The lonesome land Leatham 1962
The man who comes to help Larkin 1975
The manure factor in health inspections Lee 1977
The McConnell Singers, ingenuity and a thick skin LaTraille 1971
The Mexican border industrialization program Loehr, Bulson 1974
The Millenium will be a ringer Lee 1974
The Millennium will be a ringer Lee 1974
The mines of Gold Basin: a report of 1883 Lenon 1968
The miracle of the roses Lotan 1956
The miracle of the roses Lotan 1956
The mission in the Arizona desert Laut 1913
The modern good Samaritan Lewis 1966
The Moqui investigation Lummis 1903
The Mormon Battalion: a historical accident? Luce 1974
The Navajo dilemma, a question of necessity Leubben 1959
The Navajo dilemma, a question of necessity Leubben 1959
The Navajo Indian irrigation project: muddied past, clouded future Lawson 1976
The old folks of Sunnyslope Lee 1974
The old Salero mine Lang 1962
The only way to hurt Lynch 1970
The option Lynch 1972
The original Desert Well Leatham 1959
The other education system Lenore 1976
The other education system Lenore 1976
The other side of the wetback Limas 1975
The other way to fly Lee 1977
The Painted Rocks Leatham 1959
The parish as a pressure cooker Lynch 1972
The parting shots of a gerontologist Lee 1976
The peyote movement: an introduction Laney 1972
The Phoenix Suns, basketball comes to town Lewis 1968
The Phoenix Suns, basketball comes to town Lewis 1968
The Phoenix Suns, basketball comes to town Lewis 1968
The pigeon man of East Oak Street Lee 1974
The Pima County Fair Lent 1929
The puncture vine - nature's underhanded villain Laudermilk 1954
The purchase and importation of camels by the United States government, 1855-1857 Leslie 1929
The quiet lawman Lipton 1964
The rainbow at South Mountain Lanker 1969
The real Arizona Lawlor 1975
The real Arizona Lawlor 1975
The rediscovery of Cnemidophorus arizonae Van Denburgh Lowe 1965
The relevant beauty of the Komatke connection Lee 1975
The return of Bronco Bill Landin 1962
The rise of coalition bargaining in the Arizona cooper industry Leaming 1973
The rise of coalition bargaining in the Arizona copper industry Leaming 1973
The rise of coalition bargaining in the Arizona copper industry Leaming 1973
The 'River People' at home on the salt Leatham 1957
The role of caves in dating Grand Canyon Lange 1955