Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
First chance at inslow Kirk 1965
First term district court held in Graham County Kelly 1928
First term district court held in Graham county Kelly 1928
Flagstaff's frontier fort: 1881-1920 Kelly 1964
Flare-rimmed bowls: a sub-type of Mimbres classic black-on-white Khalil 1976
Floating down the river, 'a piece of cake.' Keefe 1967
Flying the Colorado Koonce 1958
Folk psychiatry of the Apaches of the Mescalero Indian Reservation Kiev
Follow the olives, amigos Kelly 1960
Food, smoke, and buttercups Krebs 1968
Fort Huachuca, private cattle ranch or state park? Kitchel 1948
Four "little Pimas" and how they happened Klopsteg 1960
Four "little Pimas" and how they happened Klopsteg 1960
Fourteen prehistoric sites in Nankoweap Canyon, Grand Canyon National Park Kelly 1968
Friars versus bureaucrats: the mission as a threatened institution on the Arizona-Sonora frontier, 1767-1842 Kessell 1974
Friars versus bureaucrats: the mission as a threatened institution on the Arizona-Sonora frontier, 1767-1842 Kessell 1974
Friars, bureaucrats, and the Seris of Sonora Kessell 1975
Furry wet clowns Keasey 1972
Gambling games in the pueblos Krebs 1968
Gary Barnes keeps pumping away Kreutz 1974
Geology of the eastern Haulpai reservation Koons 1948
George Cook, Indian fighter and humanitarian King 1967
George Cook, Indian fighter and humanitarian King 1967
George Henderson Kelly, 1854-1929 Keen 1930
George W. Purcell, M. D. Kitt 1962
Ghostly Camp Crittenden Kuehlthau 1966
Ghostly trio Kutac 1975
Girl on a strange frontier Kildare 1974
Girl on a strange frontier Kildare 1974
Girl on a strange frontier Kildare 1974
Globe, Arizona, the gateway of the copper world Keegan 1914
Goats of Arizona Kennedy 1975
Golden wedding anniversary celebrated at Bonita ranch Kirtland 1955
Graveyard of the gods Kelly 1938
Graveyard of the gods Kelly 1938
Graveyard of the gods Kelly 1938
Great advantages of Arizona territory Kibbey 1908
Growing dates in Arizona Kennison 1917
Haas Kelly 1963
Harold W. Rice, M.D. Kohl 1969
Harry L. Heffner, tophand cowman King
Harry Saxon, cattleman and peace officer King
Harvest-time in the Saguaro forest Keasey 1975
Harvest-time in the Saguaro forest Keasey 1975
He took art to the market place: a visit to Read Mullan's wonderful western art gallery Kelly 1962
He took art to the market place; a visit to Read Mullan's wonderful western art gallery Kelly 1962
He took art to the market place; a visit to Read Mullen's wonderful western art galery Kelly 1962
Headmen and war chanters: role theory and the early Canyoncito Navajo Kurtz 1969
Headmen and war chanters: role theory and the early Canyoncito Navajo Kurtz 1969
Hectic frontier days come alive in The High Chaparral, a new color television series of territorial Arizona Kelly 1967
Helen Duett Ellison Hunt ( Mrs. George W. P. Hunt) Kartus 1931
Helldorado Kelly 1929
Hellish years at Ashurst Run Kildare 1975
Hello. Anybody in there? Kreutz 1974
Hello. Anybody in there? Kreuts 1974