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Article Title Author Last Name Year
Clinton Hill Kelly 1963
Cochise's stronghold --- a citadel without walls Kutz 1975
Cochise's stronghold --- a citadel without walls Kutz 1975
Cocopa attitudes and practices with respect to death and mourning Kelly 1949
Col. Jeff D. Milton King
Competition and the concept of sales below cost Knox 1969
Competition and the concept of sales below cost Knox 1969
Concerto in 16 mm for Montoya and diverse personalities Kreutz 1973
Concerto in 16mm for Montoya and diverse personalities Kreutz 1974
Concerto in 16mm for Montoya and diverse personalities Kreutz 1974
Controlled burning in Ponderosa pine stands of the Fort Apache Reservation in Arizona Kallander 1956
Conversations with the carrot cult Kreutz 1974
Converting idle labor into substantial wealth: Arizona's convict lease system Knepper 1990
Cooking with a Mexican accent Keatley 1951
Correct story and trade mark on Arbuckle coffee King
Cow country Keatley 1954
Criminal who became a U. S. lawman Kildare 1967
Cushing's late discoveries Kirkbride 1889
Cushing's late discoveries Kirkbride 1889
Dead outlaws' loot Kildare 1967
Dead outlaws' loot Kildare 1967
Dee Flagg, artist in wood Kelly 1964
Desert backyard wildlife Keatley 1950
Desert garden King 1950
Desert jungle revisited Kirk 1962
Desert plant has beauty-beast complex Kennedy 1955
Desert survival Kraus 1967
Desert treasure Klinck 1953
Desert Treasure Klinck 1953
Developing a community mental health clinic on the Papago Indian Reservation Kahn 1970
Devilsclaw Keasey 1973
Disease and death among the Anasazi: some notes on Southwestern paleopidemiology Kunitz 1970
Dishonoring Arizona's heroes Kildare 1971
Distribution and transportation of Arizona lumber Knorr 1968
Doctors try cutting a 505-pound man in half Kuehlthau 1972
Don Dedera Kelly 1963
Don't tread on him, but if you do... Kreutz 1973
Dr. William W. Wasley blazed many trails Kayser 1970
Early Arizona Medical Association activities Kennedy 1972
Early Arizona Medical Association activities Kennedy 1971
Early bird bowling Karie 1959
Early Bisbee provided many men not4d in territorial days of Arizona, recalls pioneer editor Kelly 1972
Early Bisbee provided many men noted in territorial days of Arizona, recalls pioneer editor Kelly 1972
Early resorts stressed three R's Kelly 1960
Economic decision making in Arizona hospitals Knox 1973
Economic impact of the interstate highway system on northwestern Arizona Kipp
Economic impact of the interstate highway system on northwestern Arizona Kipp 1959
Ed Williams tells about some old timers King
Effie Robinson Keen, state historian Kartus 1931
Elden Pueblo: an archaeological account Kelly 1970
Exploring the Midriff Keasey 1976
Exposing northern Arizona Kreutz 1975
Father Eixarch and the cisitation at Tumacacori Kessell 1965
Father Eixarch and the visitation at Tumacacori Kessell 1965
Father Ram Kessell 1969