Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Arizona's roadside rest areas Heald 1963
Arizona's smoke eaters Hatch 1972
Arizona's struggle against joint statehood Hubbard 1942
Arizona's sweet bees Hay 1990
Arizona's tax structure - a comparative structure Hudson 1953
Arizona's tip top Heald 1954
Arizona's treasure of prehistoric jewelry Hammack 1974
Arizona's unknown treasure land Hall 1911
Art gallery of the Shinumos Hooper 1976
Artifacts from Estero Tasiota, Sonora, Mexico Holzkamper 1956
Artist on the move Hirsch 1973
Artist with pen and ink Heatwole 1959
Artists in equitation in Mexico Hobart 1974
ASC, Arizona's wonderful college in the pines Hutchinson 1961
Astronomy comes alive Hale 1976
Astronomy comes alive Hale 1976
ASU's music man Hutton 1967
At home with the kids of the kiddie show stars Hutton 1966
At home with the kids of the kiddie show stars Hutton 1966
At home with the kids of the kiddie show stars Hutton 1966
At home with the kids of the kiddie show stars Hutton 1966
At NAU students who care Hunt 1968
At the Heard: our culture in clay Hale 1965
At the Heard: our culture in clay Hale 1965
Attaki spends his poker winnings Hassell 1951
Austine work into their seventies Hudson 1973
Austins work into their seventies Hudson 1973
Awatobi: high place of the bow Hooper 1975
Awatobi: high place of the bow Hooper 1975
Back country for Tucson Hall 1912
Back road border runs Hirsch 1973
Backpack adventure in remote Asbestos Canyon Hutchinson 1959
Bald Head Ewell, frontier dragon Hutchins 1962
Bank deposit levels and economic expansion in Arizona Hogan, Jerry 1972
Bat Cave bonanza Hamilton 1958
Bat Cave bonanza Hamilton 1958
Bat Cave bonanza Hamilton 1958
Bat Cave bonanza Hamilton 1958
Beautiful Havasu, the great arm of the Grand Canyon Hall 1905
Bed and grub in a knapsack Heald 1953
Bed and grub in a knapsack Heald 1953
Bee cave lined with crystals Hilton 1942
Before the days of libel Hansen 1966
Behind the beyond Hanna 1928
Behind the green door Hutton 1968
Below the dam, Lee Ferry is where the fish are Hooper 1968
Benson's Val Kimbrough Huntington 1946
Big cat of the Colorado Halloran 1948
Big Medicine Hogg 1931
Big medicine; how herbs, plants and other simple remedies are employed by the Navajos... Hogg 1931
Big Talks "Borrows" the trader's ax Hassell 1951
Bill Williams Mountain Men... 6 days horseback, Williams to Phoenix Hayden 1959
Billy the Kid No. 2 Hayes 1968
Bird life of the San Francisco Mountains, Arizona Hargrave 1933
Bird life of the San Francisco Mountains, Arizona Hargrave 1933