Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Air pollution: a special report Hait 1972
Airborne algae of the Tucson and Santa Catalina Mountain areas Hoshaw 1967
Albert Steinfeld, merchant Hughston 1950
Albert Steinfeld, merchant Hughston 1950
Alihihiana, the shrine of the four children Hooper 1966
All about mules and the diamond hitch Hedine 1971
All about mules and the diamond hitch Hedine 1971
Also, the deserts Haystead 1930
An announcement of the Arizona State Museum Haury 1951
An Apache painting Harrington 1956
An Apache tends affairs of Navajos Hodge 1958
An Arizona artist Hall 1912
An Arizona letter of R. S. Dwell Hamin 1966
An encounter with lions, otter, snakes, bats, and other denizens of the desert Hirsch 1974
An ethnohistoric reconstruction of Navajo culture, 1582-1824 Hester 1962
An ethnohistoric reconstruction of Navajo culture, 1582-1824 Hester 1962
An introduction to Hopi pottery design Hubert 1937
An introduction to Hopi pottery design Hubert 1937
An introduction to pre-missionary Indian religion Howard 1974
An old Chinese custom Heatwole 1960
An undeveloped El dorado Haskett 1913
An update: issues recycled Hait 1975
Annotated bibliography of papers by Byron Cummings Hill
Antibiotics for sick saguaros Herbert 1960
Anza'a long walk Harte 1975
Apache and Navaho fire-making Hough 1901
Apache and Navaho fire-making Hough 1901
Apache history is reported in painting Hyatt 1960
Apache massacre on the Hughes ranch, near Tucson in 1872 Hughes 1908
Apache seige at Alma Harnin 1956
Apache Sunrise Ceremony: The days of White Painted Woman Hooper 1976
Apache tears Hilton 1939
Apache tears Hilton 1939
Apache vengeance Hansard 1953
Archaeological investigations in the Tsegi canyons of northeastern Arizona in 1934 Hargrave 1934
Archaeological salvage in a prehistoric campsite, Petrified Forest National Park Harrill 1972
Archaeological salvage in prehistoric campsite, Petrified Forest National Park Harrill 1972
Archeological salvage in a prehistoric campsite, Petrified Forest National Park Harrill 1972
Archeology as a municipal enterprise Halseth 1934
Archeology as a municipal enterprise Halseth 1934
Architecture of the dance-drama Hill 1964
Architecture of the dance-drama Hill 1964
Are owners' equities in Arizona homes adequate Gates, Headington 1963
Arisona's experience with the initiative and referendum Houghton 1954
Arizona Hall 1906
Arizona Hall 1906
Arizona Hall 1906
Arizona Hall 1906
Arizona Hall 1906
Arizona Hall 1906
Arizona - an historical outline Hamilton 1928
Arizona and education Hall 1916
Arizona as an investment field Henry 1924
Arizona cattle at home on the range Hudson 1962
Arizona copper Hamilton