Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
The economy of Arizona, a recent appraisal Harvill 1957
The emissions control controversy Hait 1976
The Escapule mammoth and associated projectile points, San Pedro Valley, Arizona Haynes 1969
The evolutionary processes of a world championship race Hardie 1972
The famer's paradise or land and water Hilzinger
The fate of the mountains Hait 1972
The fate of the mountains Hait 1972
The fate of the mountains Hait 1972
The father of Arizona Hall 1912
The father of Arizona Hall 1912
The federal bureaucracy meets a superior spokesman for alien deportation Hoffman 1975
The first discovered city of Cibola Hodge 1895
The first discovered city of Cibola Hodge 1895
The Flagstaff story Hodge 1958
The Flagstaff story Hodge 1958
The flivver goes buzzing along Heatwole 1961
The flivver goes buzzing along Heatwole 1961
The flute player who isn't there Hooper 1966
The flying vet of northern Arizona Howard 1975
The foothill Palo Verde: Cercidium microphyllum Hirsch 1977
The forests of Arizona Hall 1906
The forests of Arizona Hall 1906
The Fred Harvey collection, 1899-1963 Harvey 1963
The Fred Harvey collection, 1899-1963 Harvey 1963
The Fred Harvey story Herbert 1968
The friendly Huachucas Heald 1952
The Gila College Hilton 1926
The gods of Hostin Yaz-zih Hunter 1956
The gods of Hostin Yza'zih Hunter 1956
The Gold Gulch Site: a specialized Cochise site near Bowie, Arizona Huckell 1973
The Gold Gulch Site: a specialized Cochise site near Bowie, Arizona Huckell 1973
The governor game Hait 1974
The great Cochise Heald 1964
The great desert race Hamlin 1962
The great Tonto storage reservoir Hall 1906
The Great Western Hicks 1972
The Great Western Hicks 1972
The Great Western Hicks 1972
The Great Western Hicks 1972
The grizzly bear in Arizona Householder 1961
The grizzly bear in Arizona Householder 1961
The grizzly bear in Arizona Householder 1961
The grizzly bear in Arizona Householder 1961
The grizzly bear in Arizona. Part IV Householder 1961
The growing alliance of business and art Hartwell 1969
The growing alliance of business and art Hartwell 1969
The hand trembling ceremony of the Navaho Hill 1935
The Hardt Creek Site Huckell 1973
The Hardt Creek Site Huckell 1973
The Heard's unique traveling exhibit Hait 1974
The high water mark on the Kaibab Heger, McGinn 1929
The Hopi in relation to their plant environment Hough 1897
The hopi relation to their plant environment Hough 1897
The house that mud built Hooper 1965
The house that sobriety built Hunt 1959