Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
State lands: in the vanguard of development Hait 1977
State lands: in the vanguard of development Hait 1977
Stone-splitters of Ashfork Henderson 1949
Stone-working at Tewa Hough 1897
Submarines made Phoenix grow Hollister 1965
Submarines made Phoenix grow Hollister 1965
Summer activities at point of Pines Haury 1946
Sun country culture --- Arizona's community colleges Howden 1977
Sun country culture --- Arizona's community colleges Howden 1977
Sunday safari Heatwole 1961
Sunrise Park Resort -- dawn of a new day for Apaches Hopkins 1972
Sunrise Park resort - dawn of new day for Apaches Hopkins 1972
Sunrise Park resort - dawn of new day for Apaches Hopkins 1972
Sunrise Park resort - dawn of new day for Apaches Hopkins 1972
Sunshine and conquest of arthritis Hicks 1934
Surgeon Smart and the Indians: an 1866 Apache word-list Hagemann 1970
Surgeon Smart and the Indians: an 1866 Apache word-list Hagemann 1970
Survey of floodplain vegetation along Lover Gila River in Southwestern Arizona Haase 1972
Survival kit on wheels Hirsch 1974
Taking care of "San Xavier's little brother" Hooper 1965
Taking the mystery out of the castle Hodges 1969
Taliesin architect Swaback's innovation views on planning Hait 1974
Taliesin architect Swaback's innovative views on planning Hait 1974
Taxes and home ownership in Arizona Hudson 1954
Taxes and home ownership in Arizona Hudson 1954
Teenage shoplifters: "They think it's the 'in' thing to do." Howard 1969
Tempe --- burgeoning city on the Salt Hait 1976
Tempe; the Hayden's came first Hayden 1957
Tempe; the Hayden's came first Hayden 1957
That D.....woman on the parole board! Heald 1965
That D.....woman on the parole board! Heald 1965
That terrible desert country Haystead 1930
That woman in pants Hampe 1974
That woman in pants Hampe 1974
The 1950 elections in Arizona Houghton 1951
The 1954 election in Arizona Houghton 1954
The 1956 election in Arizona Houghton 1957
The 1968 election in Arizona Hall 1969
The 1976 Salado Conference Haury, eds 1976
The 1976 Salado Conference Doyel, Haury 1976
The Apache Kid, Arizona terror Hopson 1955
The Apache Kid, Arizona terror Hopson 1965
The Apache Maid Hooper 1967
The Apachoan verb Hoijer 1945
The Apachoan verb Hoijer 1946
The Apachoan verb Hoijer 1946
The Apachoan verb Hoijer 1948
The Apachoan verb Hoijer 1949
The archaeological survey on the San Carlos Indian Reservation Haury 1945
The Arizona Cassette, a forgotten voice in Arizona journalism Hufford 1966
The Arizona Trail Houk 1990
The Arizona Trail Houk 1990
The art of the Navajo silversmith Hill 1937
The bear in Arizona Householder 1960
The bicycle era in Arizona Hatch 1972