Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Soils of th Oraibi valley, Arizona, in relation to plant cover Bradfield 1969
Soils of the Oraibi valley, Arizona, in relation to plant cover Bradfield 1969
Solar hogans - houses of the future? Bradley 1990
Solar hogans - houses of the future? Bradley 1990
Soldiers came, fought and stayed Brinckerhoff 1975
Some alterative patterns for local government Bingham 1974
Some Arizona homes Ball 1962
Some observations on the prehistoric pottery of the Dragoons Bryan 1933
Some trophic relationships of the largemouth bass, Micropterus Salmoides (Lacepede), in a southwestern impoundment Bell 1976
Southwest skippers harness wily desert winds Brown 1969
Spanish contacts with the Hopi 1540 - 1823 Bartlett 1934
Spanish contacts with the Hopi 1540-1823 Bartlett 1934
Spanish-American belief tales Barreras 1973
Special treatment for special children Brown 1969
Spinning yarns Butler 1975
Spinning yarns Brown 1974
Spinning yarns Brown 1974
Springerville, the gateway to the White Mountains Becker 1931
Springerville; on top of the world in more ways than one Bolles 1930
St. Michael Hotel Balkow 1976
St. Michael Hotel Balkow 1976
Standing up for his rights Barrett 1975
Standing up for his rights Barrett 1975
Steadfast Gregg in Arizona Brinckerhoff 1964
Steamboat on the river Barney 1952
Steamlined for speed Bradt 1950
Stocks, ambassadors of beauty from Arizona Brasher 1954
Stone artifacts: San Francisco Mountain region Bartlett 1930
Stone squares in Arizona Brown 1899
Stop making sense: the long and winding road to the ranch Banks 1990
Strategies for marketing a community Brown 1976
Streamlined sightseeing Burroughs 1955
Suddenly in a secluded and rugged place... The Territory of New Mexico versus William H. McGinnis: Cause No. 2419 - Murder Burton 1972
Suddenly in a secluded and rugged place... The Territory of New Mexico versus William H. McGinnis: Cause No. 2419 - Murder Burton 1972
Sulphur Springs Valley Burgess 1958
Summer bargain apartments: most aren't Bockius 1971
Summer bargain apartments: most aren't Bockius 1971
Summits below the Rim; moutain climbing in the Grand Canyon Butchart 1976
Sun City, Arizona, U.S.A. Barnes 1974
Superstition Mountains, the Dons Club trek Betts 1968
Survey of Southwestern prehistory Baldwin 1941
Sycamore trail ride Beers 1965
Tackling the tough job of "parenting" Brown 1974
Taking chances Burnham
Taxation and the American Indian Brunt 1973
Taxation and the American Indian Brunt 1973
Teaching classes by telephone Barrett 1974
Teaching classes by telephone Barrett 1974
Tell us, students, how was it in the working world? Bockius 1970
Tell us, students, how was it in the working world? Bockius 1970
Testing intelligibility among Yuman languages Biggs 1957
Th Arizona State Museum Baker 1959
The "discovery" of Meteor Crater Barnes 1934
The "long walk" to Bosque Redondo; as told by Peshlakai Etsedi Brewer 1937
The 1930 Pima County Fair Brown 1930