Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Safe yield versus maximum return: the constitutionality of the Arizona Groundwater Code as applied to State Trust land Bade 1990
Safe yield versus maximum return: the constitutionality of the Arizona Groundwater Code as applied to State Trust land Bade 1990
Saga of the sag Brophy 1965
Saga of the spadefoot toad Boynton 1969
Saguaro harvest in Papagoland Bowen 1939
Sahuaro or giant cactus Benscoe 1930
Sailboats harness Arizona's wily winds Brown 1974
Salome --- Where She Danced Blair 1975
Salvage excavation in the Buttes Dam Site, Southern Arizona Wasley, Benham 1968
Salvage excavation in the Buttes Dam Site, Southern Arizona Wasley, Benham 1968
Samuel Wick, M. D. Bendheim 1969
San Ignacio del Babacomari Brophy 1966
Sanders of Turkey Creek Beller 1972
Sanders of Turkey Creek Beller 1972
Sanders of Turkey Creek Beller 1972
Sanders of Turkey Creek Beller 1972
Santa Cruz on the border Bristol 1926
Santa Cruz, the key county Bristol 1914
Santa Fe reading rooms Busser 1906
Satisfaction with life for the retired Yoshino, Buck 1964
Save our saguaros Bardsley 1958
Schooling on the plateau frontier: Coconino County, 1875-1900 Butchart 1974
Scorpions Branning 1976
Scots Wha Hea... Burke 1962
Scottdale's little galleries Bennett 1968
Scottsdale used "over the shoulder" and "in house" aids for planning Bray 1975
Scottsdale's little galleries Bennett 1968
Scottsdale's quality, "a very fragile thing." Boulay 1971
Scouring the Southwest in search of old Arizona Baxter 1929
Sculpted feature Baker 1989
Sea shells on desert trails Beaty 1970
Seasonality of demand for municipal water Bruner, Farris 1970
Secret of the mission treasure Benay 1970
Secret of the mission treasures Benay 1970
Secrets of the wishing shrine Bentz 1970
Seven counties aid Southern Arizona Fair Brown 1933
Seven months ago she wasn't so busy Barrett 1976
Seven years with the Hopis Butcher 1951
Sharlot Hall lives in her poems Butcher 1958
Sheep business in Ariznoa Bemie 1917
Shrub that wears royal purple robee Beal 1946
Sinking or swimming? Bolding 1975
Sins of the father Brandel 1989
Skeleton cave Brown 1931
Skilled hands at the loom Brewer 1949
Sky high air conditioning Biddle 1960
Sled dogs race in desert and snow country Brown 1975
Slicing through the layer cake Breed 1976
Slicing through the layer cake Breed 1976
Slow down and save fuel: A new way to do it Brown 1975
Snakebite in Arizona Boyden 1976
Snap-happy winner Berlowe 1955
Snap-happy winner Berlowe 1955
So you want to buy a mobile home? Berlowe 1974
Social Security is highly questionable Barrett 1975