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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
The Colorado desert Widney 1873
The Colorado massacre of 1781: Maria Montelo's report McCarthy 1975
The Colorado massacre of 1781: Maria Montielo's report McCarty 1975
The Colorado massacre of 1781: Maria Montielo's report McCarty 1975
The Colorado River Allen 1893
The Colorado River Allen 1893
The Colorado River Lippincott 1902
The Colorado River - the physical and biological setting Woodbury 1960
The Colorado River and Lake Havasu Niehuis 1952
The Colorado River controversy Howard 1950
The Colorado River controversy Howard 1950
The Colorado River from its sources to the sea Douglas 1968
The Colorado River from its sources to the sea Douglas 1968
The Colorado River from its sources to the sea Douglas 1968
The Colorado River from its sources to the sea Douglas 1968
The Colorado River Indian Reservation Brennan 1966
The Colorado River International Boundary Hill 1968
The Colorado River International Boundary Hill 1968
The Colorado River irrigation Kelly 1949
The Colorado River pact Underwood 1923
The comeback of a game fish in Arizona Whitaker 1969
The coming election; laws and candidates the people will pass judgment upon 1912
The coming of the Babbitts Smith 1989
The coming of the camels Siciliano 1956
The coming season in Tucson 1948
The coming season in Tucson 1948
The command and staff of the Mormon Battalion in the Mexican war Gardner 1952
The common man's capitalism Brophy 1959
The common man's capitalism Brophy 1959
The community Christmas center Gianelli 1974
The community credit rip-off: Just how high do the Valley's bad checks bounce? Kent 1975
The community investment in new industry Ringstrom 1952
The community investment in new industry Ringstrom 1952
The community school Clair 1971
The commuters from Gila Bend Lee 1976
The companionship of clouds Calvin 1964
The compatible cowboys Camping 1964
The compleat Colorado River Saldana 1970
The complete Colorado River Saldana 1970
The complete guide to Valley golf courses 1974
The complicated definitions of 'Indian' 1976
The computer kids Zarbin 1966
The con-man is a separate breed Belcher 1974
The concerned newspapers 1970
The Concho complex: a popular report Thomas 1952
The Concho complex: a popular report Thomas 1952
The conditions of Hispanic-Piman contacts on the Gila River Ezell 1957
The Confederate intrusion into Arizona Territory, 1862 Meyers 1972
The Confederate Territory of Arizona, as compiled from official sources Connell 1942
The configuration pattern of Navajo culture Palmer 1936
The Congressional Medal of Honor Wischnis 1973
The Congressional Medal of Honor Wischnia 1973
The Congressional Medal of Honor Wischnia 1973
The conifers of northern Arizona Pearson 1933
The conquest of Mt. Sinyala Ganci 1969