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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
The changing horizons Sovola 1968
The changing resort scene Smith 1968
The changing role of wholesaling in Arizona Call 1971
The changing skyline 1973
The changing structure of the distributive trades in Arizona, Part I, Retail trade and economic growth Morgan 1960
The changing structure of the distributive trades in Arizona, Part I, Retail trade and economic growth Morgan 1960
The changing structure of the distributive trades in Arizona, Part I, Retail trade and economic growth Morgan 1960
The changing structure of the distributive trades in Arizona, Part II, Concentration in retailing Morgan 1960
The changing structure of the distributive trades in Arizona, Part II, Concentration in retailing Morgan 1960
The changing structure of the distributive trades in Arizona, Part II, Concentration in retailing Morgan 1960
The Charles L. and Mary Kidder Rak scholarships Burnham 1965
The Charles L. and Mary Kidder Rak scholarships Burnham 1965
The Charollaise program at Oak Bar Schaus 1954
The Charollaise program at Oak Bar Schaus 1954
The chartreuse goose Wilson 1967
The Chemehuevis Culp 1975
The Cherrycow horse-changing Coolidge 1910
The Cherrycow horse-changing Coolidge 1910
The Cherrycow horse-changing Coolidge 1910
The chickens have come home Allen 1964
The chief who collected hats Savage 1972
The chief who collected hats Savage 1972
The childhood of a New York mayor. Simpson 1974
The children's war Adams 1909
The Chilson family 1956
The chindi wolf of Black Mountain Kildare 1970
The Chinese Simpson 1975
The Chinese in Phoenix Yrn 1970
The Chinese nuisance Frank 1893
The Chinese nuisance 1893
The Chinese oath Willson 1974
The Chinle formation Vander Hoof 1934
The Chiricahua bears: no place for Goldilocks Heald 1967
The Chiricahua Mountains Heald 1962
The Chiricahuas - historical paradise Mahoney 1958
The Chiricahuas of Cochise Rice 1930
The Chiricahuas---natural science bonanza Schaus 1957
The Christian crusade Stanton
The church on the highway Heald 1960
The churches of Josias Joesler, A. I. A. 1959
The churches of San Xavier, Arizona and Caborca, Sonora, a comparative analysis Goss 1975
The churches of San Xavier, Arizona and Caborca, Sonora, a comparative analysis Goss 1975
The Cibola ghost Marquise 1965
The Cinderella plant 1962
The circle Cortright 1975
The circle Cortright 1975
The circus (Shrine) is coming to town 1958
The Citadel Colton 1930
The cities of the dead Matthews 1900
The cities of the dead Matthews 1900
The cities: meeting the challenges of the mid-'70s 1976
The city grows up with Phoenix Towers 1957
The city looks in a mirror Cook 1968
The city of 'wolf, wolf, wolf' Ward 1975
The city of ages: Tucson, the oldest settlement in the United States Hilzinger