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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Saturday night and Sunday morning Cook 1970
Saturday night and Sunday morning Cook 1970
Saturday night at the bunkhouse Sovola 1968
Saturday night at the bunkhouse Sovola 1968
Saturday night at the fire house Sovola 1969
Saturday night in the clink Sovola 1966
Sauceda Mountain gem trails Sorensen 1961
Savage anthropologists and unvanishing Indians of America Southwest Fontana 1973
Savage life in civilization, or a glimpse at the Mohave Indians Kroeber 1913
Save he bald eagle Miller 1962
Save our ruins Caywood 1946
Save our saguaros Bardsley 1958
Save our saguaros! Heald 1955
Save the property tax for schools Zarbin 1972
Saved by a burro's nose Willson 1967
Saved by California Column Willson 1967
Saved by smoke signals Willson 1969
Saved by the cavalry Willson 1977
Saving 'hearts too good to die' DeVries 1965
Saving 'hearts too good to die.' DeVries 1965
Saving the mountains Hait 1973
Saving the mountains Hait 1973
Saving the mountains Hait 1973
Savings in Arizona Giordano 1956
SAW - a tool in rehabilitation Moore 1962
SAW - a tool in rehabilitation Moore 1962
SAW - a tool in rehabilitation Moore 1962
Say Chirp! O'Brien 1975
Say that I kept my dream Lacy 1938
Scaffold house Ferry 1953
Scaffold house Ferry 1953
Scaffold house Ferry 1953
Scaffold house Ferry 1953
Scaling Baboquivari peak Mes 1926
Scalp hunters come to Yuma Crossing Robrock 1990
Scalp hunters come to Yuma Crossing Robrock 1990
Scalps and scalpers in Mohave Indian culture Stewart 1969
Scandal circa 1896 Perry 1974
Scanning electron photomicrographs of Southwestern pollen grains Drew 1969
Scar city Cortright 1967
Scar city Cortright 1969
Scattergood discovers the desert Arnold 1943
Scene of Bisbee Massacre was at Goldwater's store Willson 1964
Scene on the green O'Meara 1959
Scenic Apache Trail rewards the traveler Lathan 1958
Scenic Arizona inspire camera career 1959
Scenic center gets its name from "Old Bill" Williams Mahoney 1954
Scenic highway, Pinal Pioneer Parkway Gianelli 1962
Scenic highway, Pinal Pioneer Parkway Gianelli 1962
Scenic railroad
Scenic, historic Bisbee in amazing Arizona 1960
Schieffelin's gold Dobie 1958
Schizaeaceous fern spores from the Cretaceous of Arizona Romans 1972
Schlalos grows potatoes; what a man who knows how, did on twenty acres 1917
Scholars or dollars Gianelli 1972