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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Survey of floodplain vegetation along Lover Gila River in Southwestern Arizona Haase 1972
Survey of life insurance buyers in metropolitan Tucson Roos 1958
Survey of Southwestern prehistory Baldwin 1941
Survey of the population and economy of Arizona Robinson 1959
Survey of the Walnut Creek Game Refuge 1932
Surveyors ambushed in canyon Willson 1964
Surveyors ambushed in canyon Willson 1965
Surveyors foil Yuma Indians Willson 1969
Survival in the Arizona desert Main 1974
Survival kit on wheels Hirsch 1974
Survivors: an unusual Arizona industry saves lives Swift 1961
Survivors? An unusual Arizona industry saves lives Swift 1961
Susie, thirteen, pretty andd stage struck Stocker 1963
Sussman kelly 1962
Sutler's store still serves its community Megargee 1957
Suzy Belle is Hualapai people hope for commercial success Morris 1974
Suzy Belle is Hualapai people's hope for commercial success Morris 1974
Swank hostelry of 1900's makes way for clubhouse Ridgeway 1953
Swank hostelry of the 1900s makes way for clubhouse Ridgway 1953
Swansea, an Arizona ghost town Riddle 1975
Swansea, Arizona, the fortunes and misfortunes of a cooper camp Spude 1976
Swansea, Arizona, the fortunes and misfortunes of a copper camp Spude 1976
Sweet Adaline Dunham 1974
Sweet fifteen 1958
Swift trail takes visitors to wonders of Mount Graham Peplow 1955
Swimming is fun in Tucson public pools 1948
Swing yore partner round 'n round Arnold 1944
Swinnerton Litton 1951
Sycamore canyon Morgan 1953
Sycamore Canyon --- wilderness area Melcher 1975
Sycamore Canyon, a rider's paradise Stein 1959
Sycamore trail ride Beers 1965
Sylvester Mowry Lockwood
Sylvester Mowry Sacks 1964
Sylvester Mowry lost silver mine on charge of aiding Confederates, started Mowry City, near Deming Fireman 1963
Sylvestre Peralta 1930
Symbol of progress Mahoney 1956
Symbolism of a Navaho "wedding" basket Fishler 1954
Symbolism of a Navaho "wedding" basket Fishler 1954
Symbols in sand Ring 1972
Symbols in sand Ring 1972
Symphony notes; sixth year sessions 1953
Symposium: federalism and energy 1976
Synopsis of Excavations at Snaketown, volume I published by Gila Pueblo, Globe, Arizona Tanner 1939