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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
And the horseless carriage rolls right along Johnson 1957
And the money kept flowing Greene 1989
And the money kept flowing Greene 1989
And the Roadrunners returned to the desert Cook 1969
And the victim called it "a small handicap" Adolf 1972
And the victim called it "a small handicap." Adolf 1972
And the waves keep rolling (mechanically) along Gast 1971
And then there was one 1970
And then there was one 1961
And then there were 18 Lynch 1971
And there were shepherd. Laderman 1964
And there were shepherds. Lederman 1964
And they never get caught up Kirk 1965
And they never get caught up Kirk 1965
And what became of the backstage baby? Moran 1970
And with that an avid fan was born Stokoe 1965
And with that an avid fan was born Stokoe 1965
And yet take no positive steps Lendrum 1970
And you thought split sessions were bad Cook 1971
And you thought they, like the 5-cent cigar, had disappeared 1971
And you thought they, like the 5-cent cigar, had disappeared 1971
Andrew Milne Ogilvie Schaus 1969
Andy's agony Prescott 1967
Angel's eye view of Arizona Tiedemann 1969
Angel's eye view of Arizona Tiedemann 1966
Angeline's grave Morris 1974
Angie Dickinson and a rainy day in Old Tucson town Moyer 1968
Angled enigmas: a preliminary statement Simpson 1947
Angling to beat the heat: a guide to choice fishing spot in Arizona Lewis 1968
Angling with the Apaches Whitaker 1971
Anglo law and Navaho behavior Leubben 1964
Anglo-American jurisprudence and the Native American tribal quest for religious freedom Loftin 1989
Anglo-American jurisprudence and the Native American tribal quest for religious freedom Loftin 1989
Angora goats roam cactus covered crags 1954
Animal shelters - good or bad? Winsted 1974
Anne Bates' desert ranch home 1974
Annie Dodge Wauneka: Navajo council woman Waltrip
Annie Wauneka receives presidential freedom award 1963
Annotated bibliography of papers by Byron Cummings Hill
Announcing future plans of the Arizona Pageant Association 1928
Annual address of the president Scott 1975
Annual dog show Finney 1934
Annual report of the Arizona Industrial Congress, 1924 1925
Annual report of the Arizona Industrial Congress, 1924 1925
Annual report of the Arizona Industrial Congress, 1924 1925
Annual report of the Arizona Industrial Congress, 1924 1925
Annual report of the Arizona Zoological Society 1971
Annual report of the director 1928
Annual Valley progress report 1975
Annual Valley progress report 1975
Annual Valley progress report 1975
Annual Vernon Day Cook 1972
Anomalous Arizona Thorndyke 1919
Another archaeological survey in east-central Arizona: Preliminary report Wilson 1967
Another burn on the Mingus foothills Schaus 1958