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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Audrey Davis Stevens, 1911-1974 Kennedy 1974
Augustine Chacon alias Peludo Walters
Aunt Eva and the horse-breakers Cross 1977
Aunt Maggie 1952
Aunt Maggie 1952
Aunt Peggy's stories bring hope to children Thompson 1958
Aunt Peggy's stories bring hope to children Thompson 1958
Aussie livestock industry Duncan 1973
Aussie livestock industry Duncan 1973
Austin Medler, 1884- Cchaus 1964
Austine work into their seventies Hudson 1973
Austins work into their seventies Hudson 1973
Auto licenses record moving history Clark 1962
Auto trip to Bloody Basin rewards driver, kiker Chepard 1955
Autobiography of James Edward Cosper 1954
Automated medical information system to be instituted in Southern Arizona 1968
Automated trains, manipulated history Johnson 1966
Automobile Blue Book of 1915 detailed every turn (and bump) in roads of America - and Mohave 1973
Automobile Blue Book of 1915 detailed every turn (until bump) in the roads of America - and Mohave 1973
Automobile Club serves motoring public 1924
Automobile Lillian, the daring girl bandit of Arizona Swital 1951
Automobile travel in the Whites 1909 to 1959 1959
Automobiles changed Arizona Willson 1973
Autum in Cave Creek Canyon Prentice 1990
Autumn from mountains to desert Muench 1957
Autumn in Arizona Muench 1959
Autumn in Arizona Muench 1959
Autumn's variety show in Arizona VanCampen 1966
Avant garde on the desert 1960
Avenger of Skeleton Canyon Murbarger 1953
Aviation crash survival experiments Rothe 1964
Aviation pioneer Nauton 1975
Aviatrix and artist to her finger tips 1951
Awakening of the valley's sleeping giant Smith 1966
Award finalist, Prescott, Arizona Rice 1957
Award for Navajo 1957
Award-winning home on the desert Welch 1967
Award-winning home on the desert Welch 1967
Awatobi: high place of the bow Hooper 1975
Awatobi: high place of the bow Hooper 1975
Awatovi - more light on a legend Wilson 1972
Awatovi bows Farmer 1955
Awatovi bows Farmer 1955
Awatovi findings Cook 1965
Awatovi findings Cook 1965
Awatovi mural decorations Farmer 1954
Awatovi mural decorations Farmer 1954
Awatovi- more light on a legend Wilson 1972
Awotovi "diggers" return to ruins site 1975
AZ AA:5:2: A prehistoric cactus camp in Papgueria Raab 1973
Aztec bean Simpson 1975
Aztec sun fete, the fete of 1913 and future fetes Welch 1913