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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
All is not quiet on the hospital front Weisman 1975
All may not be well - however, economy shows some strength Vest 1989
All rock and a yard -- to more rocks Daniels 1975
All states day at the fair 1912
All that glitters Bolles 1963
All the birds and the beasts 1971
All the world's a stage...' Waters 1976
All the world's a stage...' Waters 1976
All wet Rinehart 1968
All-America cities. Tucson. 1961
All-Indian Pow-wow 1959
Allan Houser (Pulling Roots) Gridley
Allan Houser, Apache artist Morris 1955
Allen T. Bird 1931
Allergy in Tucson Dworin 1967
Alleviating administrative burdens in small-staffed appellate courts Jacobson 1974
Alley gallery Bell 1958
Almeida-Sanchez and its progeny: The developing border zone search law Santana 1975
Almeida-Sanchez and its progeny: The developing border zone search law Santana 1975
Almost every team has one Wischnia 1974
Almost everyone around here is going to the dogs Johnson 1961
Alone...and lost Lange
Along the border with Cantinflas 1963
Along the border with the astronauts, but not too close Johnson 1970
Along the camp Reno trail 1964
Along the Navajo Trail Tallon 1963
Along the old immigrant trail Smith 1965
Along the old immigrant trail Smith 1965
Along the old plank road 1964
Along the trail with the Desert Magazine 1940
Alonzo Edward Davis 1975
Alpine sawmill Cook 1961
Alpine, a peaceful place 1959
Alps in the desert Litton 1950
Also, the deserts Haystead 1930
Alterantives to psychiatric hospitalization: the Pima County combined mental health care program experience Beigel 1972
Alternatives to vagrancy laws for Arizona 1973
Altitude sorting of ethnic groups in the Southwest Dobyns 1974
Alvarado's gold 1976
Always chasing eclipses Lynch 1970
AM - TV - FM grows in Tucson, crossroads of an 8-lane airway 1953
AM - TV - FM grows in Tucson, crossroads to an 8-lane airway 1953
Am American in exile Payne 1964
Amaranths as dye plants among the pueblo peoples Sauer 1950
Amateurs can dig this Chenhall 1966
Ambassador extraordinary 1955
Ambos Nogales Kelly 1964
Ambos Nogales and Santa Cruz County Watkins 1937
Ambos Nogales y Cinco de Mayo Lesure 1962
Ambos Nogales: bi-cultural urbanism in a developing region McCleneghan 1963
Ambos Nogales; the twin cities of Nogales Roth 1962
Ambrose Roanhorse Fellin 1959
Ambrose Roanhorse (Leading Silversmith) Gridley
Ambush in the canyon Willson 1976
Amercian hunters and trappers in Arizona Lockwook 1929