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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
A personal note from Tumacacori, 1825 Kessell 1965
A personal note from Tumacacori, 1825 Kessell 1965
A personal view of Mayor Murphy Collins 1974
A personal view of Mayor Murphy Collins 1974
A Pheonix success sotry Ernst 1976
A philatelist's view of Arizona Pfalser 1971
A philosophy of Indian education Benham 1975
A Phoenician in the Folies Bergere Johnson 1966
A Phoenician on the diamonds of Japan Nakashima 1969
A Phoenician on the diamonds of Japan Nakeshima 1969
A Phoenician's diary 30 years ago Brown 1971
A Phoenix 'first' --- Joe Namath's National Prep Sports Guse 1976
A Phoenix dynamo Niehuis 1955
A Phoenix giant is dying 1965
A phoney Indian scare dissolves a partnership Willson 1959
A phonic reading program for Navajo students Wieczkievicz 1979
A phony Indian scare dissolves a partnership Willson 1959
A photographer creates some art in the kitchen 1959
A photographer looks at the four seasons in Arizona 1962
A photographer's paradise Borum 1927
A picnicking we will go Carson 1952
A Pima calendar stick Southworth 1931
A Pima calendar stick Cronin 1931
A Pima County copper employment forecasting model Taylor 1975
A Pima County copper employment forecasting model Taylor 1975
A Pima dromedary basket Hodge 1940
A Pima-Maricopa ceremony Brown 1906
A Pima-Maricopa ceremony Brown 1906
A Pima-Maricopa ceremony Brown 1906
A pine gum table Gell 1967
A pinon nut cache near Tonopah Shutler 1956
A pinyon is born Cater 1952
A pioneer minister lead a rough and ready life Willson 1959
A pioneer minister led a rough and ready life Willson 1959
A pioneer woman recalls life in 'The Old Pueblo.' Willson 1958
A pioneer's recall Willson 1975
A place for Phoenicians to play Moore 1959
A place to pitch: the changing horizons of touring Sovola 1967
A plan to share music of the American Indian Philabaum 1973
A plan to share music of the American Indian Philabaum 1973
A plan to share music of the American Indian Philabaum 1973
A Plateau annal: the first days of Northern Arizona University - 1899 Hoyt 1974
A Plateau annal: the first days of Northern Arizona University - 1899 Hoyt 1974
A playground for the Papago Moyer 1974
A plea for model Hess 1959
A Pleistocene gravel deposit near Grand Falls, Arizona Beus 1974
A Pliocene river channel in Wupatki National Monument Breed 1969
A policeman's weapon in life insurance Clark 1964
A policeman's weapon is life insurance Clark 1965
A possible early projectile point from the Prayer Rock district, Arizona Morris 1958
A possible prehistoric shrine in eastern Arizona Beeson 1957
A possible role for the Veterans Administration in improvement of health care & medical education Green 1972
A possible role for the Veterans Administration in improvement of health care &medical education Green 1972
A possible role for the Veterans Administration in improvement of health care and medical education Green 1972
A postscript to Geronimo White 1964