Serial Number
Neve, Phelipe de
End date
Arispe. May-December , 1783. 48p. Letter. Original. Signed.
Neve's letters to Peru, 1783 concerning frontier military affairs. Tells Peru that even though he is comandante de la primera division, capitan Martinez is to lead Apache campaign, because Janos presidio under seige from Gila Apaches- Gila Apaches seeking revenge for murder of their leader Francisquillo and other Gandules, imprisonment of Pachateju. Relays Croix's instructions to mount continuous guerrilla against Apaches in their own territory. Orders Peru to embargo Bacadeguachi missionary Martinez' goods and investigate his sale of barrels to Janos presidio. Orders Peru to join forces with San Buenaventura presidio to mount Apache campaign of 50-60 men while Indians estan en las mescaleras (letter written October 10, 1783; pp.29-32). Tells Peru to have Opatas from Bavispe escort herd of cattle to Arispe. Orders Peru to return Joseph Antonio Olivar, soldier accused of Murdering his wife, to asylum in church. (testimony of various individuals concerning case taken by Peru included here). Argues that murder of 2 Janos soldiers by Apaches could have been prevented if Peru took more precautions. States that these (December 17, 1783; pp.59-60) months best time to attack Apaches, because they won't be able to build fires to roast Mescal. Peru told to take no prisoners no Se embaracen a haser Prezas, ninguna estan Buena como la que queda en el Campo traiendo Sus Orejas, que no nececitan Custodia ni ofrecen gastos (pg.60). Excellent Series of documents showing escalation, cynical effectiveness of Spanish campaign against Apaches. (T. Sheridan) (1977)
Neve, Phelipe de (Comandante Inspector de Presidios)
Peru, Juan Bautista (Capitan de Janos Presidio)
Martinez, Francisco (Capitan)
Francisquillo (Apache Leader)
Pachateju (Apache Capitan)
Borica, Diego de (Ayudante Inspector)
Martinez, Antonio (Padre Ministro de Bacadeguachi)
Munoz, Manuel (Teniente Coronel)
Marrujo, Ramon (Teniente de San Buenaventura Presidio)
Olivar, Joseph Antonio (Soldado Accused of Murdering His Wife)
Leizaola, Francisco Joseph de (Former Capitan of Janos Presidio)
Reyes, Antonio de los (Obispo de Arispe)
Janos (Presidio)
Bacadeguachi (Pueblo, Mision)
Arispe (Pueblo)
San Buenaventura (Presidio, Valle)
San Eleceario (Presidio)
Carrizal (Presidio)
Bavispe (Presidio)
Ethnic Groups
First Location
TXU, Lat. Amer. Col. Janos folder 004 sec. 04 pp. 017-064
Original Location
TXU, Austin, Lac, Janos F. 004 Sec. 04 pp. 017-064
Batch Reference Number
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