Presidial soldiers of Santa Fee to governor. Peticion: the soldiers wish to present to the governor a statement of obligation, describing a plan for the payment of a large debt incurred by their loss of a law suit.

Serial Number
Beginning date
End date
Santa Fee. November 2, 1712-November 3, 1712. 13 pages. Letter. Auto. Peticion. Original. Signed.
Having lost in their legal suit against the Former governor, Cuerbo y Valdes, the presidial soldiers of Santa Fee find that they now owe a large debt. They have devised a plan by which they will pool their sources and form a fund to which each one of them will contribute a specified sum. The plan also provides that in the case of the death of any of the participants, the fund will continue to pay his share of the debt, and so save his family and survivors from poverty. They petition the governor, and then present the plan to a Member of the municipal council. They receive the consent and approval of the governor, for the plan. (Lloyd Kendall) (1980)
Cuerbo y Valdes, Francisco (General)
Florez Mogollon, Juan Ignacio (Gobernador)
Rael de Aguilar, Alonso (General)
Penuela, Marques de la (Anterior Gobernador)
Martinez, Feliz (Capitan)
Pintto, Roque de
Santa Fee (Villa)
First Location
AZU Film 2182 rl. 04 fr. 0717-0729.
Original Location
SANM, Santa Fe, Span.Arch. 1621-1821, rl. 004 ff. 0717-0729.
Other Location
UNM-Zimmerman Library.
Twitchell Vol. II, no. 0183b.
Batch Reference Number
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