Fr. Antonio de Los Reyes. Escritos originales de el illmo s. Reyes, y de el v. discretorio de el colegio de la Santa Cruz de Queretaro; losque rasgo su illma. y despues se reunierun, como se ve. It. Copia de r. cedula auxiliatoria; y del...

Serial Number
Reyes, Antonio de los
1781-1783. 8 folios.
This collection of documents, sewn together, having to do with the promotion of fr. Antonio de los Reyes to the bishopric of Sonora, and with the erection of four new custodies. Documents 1) bishop Reyes to the guardian and discretory. Original with autograph, November 11, 1782; 1 fol. 2) bishop Reyes to the guardian and discretory. Original with autograph, November 15, 1782, 2 fol. (note- this document had been torn up and then patched together again). 3) discretory to bishop Reyes, original with autographs of discreets, November 19, 1782. 2 fol. 4) bishop Reyes to the guardian and discretory. Original with autograph, November 19, 1782. 1-2 fol. 5) discretory to bishop Reyes, original with autographs of discreets, November 20, 1782. 1-2 fol. 6) bishop Reyes to the guardian and discretory. Original with autograph, November 20, 1782. 1-2 fol. 7) copy of cedula of king, may 2, 1782, 1 fol. 8) copy of postscript added to this cedula by discretory, January 5, 1781, 1-2 fol. 9) copy of cedula of king, marcy 17, 1781, 1 fol. (microfilm catalog)
Vega, Manuel de la
Salazar, Esteban de
Arricivita, Juan Domingo
Banos, Joachin
Cartagena, Romauldo
Rivera, Juan
Ximenez, Diego
Roch, Francisco
Arraso, Jose Miguel de
Reyes, Antonio de los (Obispo de Sonora)
Aravjo, Jose Miguel
Arrienta, Juan Domingo
Ramos Pinilla, Miguel
Roig, Francisco
Lassilla, Antonio
Tarraneo, Antonio de
San Carlos
San Francisco
First Location
AZU Film 0305 rl. 01 fr. 0340-0352.
Original Location
PAA, Rome, Cc-Castq, (201-16) K, no. 014 Leg. 0016
Since the giving up of the missions of Sonora were involved, the colegio de la Santa Cruz de quertaro through the guardian and discreets, requested to see the cedula of the king ordering the erection of the new custodies, and when they were told that- la bula y constituciones originales estan en la secretaria del consejo de indias... their reply was- ...necsitamos consultar la practica de los tribunales que debe observar en semejantes casos.
Batch Reference Number
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