Gobernador Fernando Perez de Almazan. Informe concerning sad state of Espiritu Santo presidio.

Serial Number
Perez de Almazan, Fernando (Gobernador)
Beginning date
San Antonio presidio. May 10, 1724. Informe. Copy.
Gobernador Almazan notes shortage of arms, clothing, supplies at Espiritu Santo presidio and blames it on lack of military discipline maintained by capitan Romero and his son Diego. States that soldiers gamble away their military equipment, fail to clean their weapons. Describes outbreak of hostilities between Indians camped next to presidio and soldiers. After fight, Indians fled. About half tracked down and taken prisoner by capitan Ramon, but they escaped jacal where they were held. Capitan Ramon received wound that killed him 8 days later. Almazan notes isolation of presidio, difficulty of fortifying it because humidity makes Adobe-making difficult. Advises that presidio be moved como Dos tiros de fusil to peninsula formed by River. Mentions Apache hostilities, including theft of livestock from Espiritu Santo, Rio Grande presidios. (T. Sheridan) (1977)
Ramon, Domingo (Capitan de Espiritu Santo Presidio)
Ramon, Diego (Son of Domingo Ramon)
Perez de Almazan, Fernando (Gobernador de Texas)
Espiritu Santo (Bahia, Presidio)
Rio Grande del Norte (Presidio)
San Antonio (Presidio)
Texas (Provincia)
Ethnic Groups
First Location
TXU, Tex. Hist. Ctr. Arch. S. Fran. El grande 2q248 835 v. 010 pp. 157-162
Original Location
BNM, Mexico, Arch. S. Fran. El Grande
Batch Reference Number
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