Citizens and miners of Parral petition to the crown concerning condition of the mines and countryside.

Serial Number
Aguileta, J. de (Alcalde Mayor)
Enriquez del Calle (Catillo?), H.
Venegas de Torres, A.
Apressa Falcon, D. de
Montano de la Cuerva, P.
Gonzalez de Valdez, S.
Rivera Zapata, B.D. de
Arballo, D. de
Cortes, V. (Alferez)
Lorenco, D.
Leal, J. (Capitan)
Icuario, E. de (Capitan)
San Joseph del Parral. June 27, 1654 orig. Sgnd.
In this rambling document the citizens-hacienda owners are writing to the king via the Audiencia in Guadalajara and also thru the cabildo there that times are tough in Parral area the haciendas have been subject to Indian raids and the Weather is bad, food is needed. This seems to be a response to a routine (?) Visit by Andres and hernanco and they are to carry the ward back. Persons- Juan de Aguileta, Alcalde mayor of San Joseph de Parral; Hernando Enriquez del Calle (catillo?), public Scribe of Guadalajara cabildo; Andres Venegas de Torres, procurador of cabildo of Guadalajara. Vezinos and mineros- Domingo de Apressa Falcon; Phelipe Montano de la Cuerva (order of Santiago); Sebastian Gonzalez de Valdez; Bachillero Diego de Rivera Zapata; Diego de Arballo; alfarez Valerio Cortes; Domingo Lorenco; capt. Juan Leal; capt. Estevan de Icuario. (R. Davis) (1975)
Aguileta, Juan de (Alcalde Mayor)
Enriquez del Calle (Catillo?), Hernando (Scribe)
Venegas de Torres, Andres, Procurador)
Apressa Falcon, Domingo de (Citizen)
Montando de la Cuerva, Phelipe (Vezino)
Gonzalez de Valdez, Sebastian (Vezino)
Rivera Zapata, Bachillero Diego de (Vezino)
Arballo, Diego de (Vezino)
Cortes, Valerio (Alfarez) (Vezino)
Lorenco, Domingo (Vezino)
Leal, Juan (Capitan) (Vezino)
Icuario, Estevan de (Capitan) (Vezino)
San Joseph del Parral
First Location
AZU Film 0318 rl. 1654b fr. 0767-0768.
Original Location
AP, Parral, Mf. rl. 1654b fr. 0767-0768
See also- 1654b- 0775a-0776a.
Batch Reference Number
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