Secular - regular clerty dispute - Indian wars of 1653.

Serial Number
Guajardo Fajardo, D. (Gov.)
Hurtado de Castilla, J. (Lt Governor)
Valdez, F. de (Padre)
Candano, J. del (Br.)
Villar, G. (Padre)
Pasqual, J. (Padre)
Pardo, B. (Padre)
Barrazas, J. de (General)
Messia de Mosana, G. (Capitan)
Leyva, G. de (Capitan)
Valdez, L. de (Alferez)
Evasio, E. de (Capitan)
Moranta, G. (Salinero)
Mama, F. (Salinero)
Santiago (Toboso)
San Joseph del Parral. December 12, 1682. August 25 - October 7, 1653 orig. Sgnd.
This Series of documents originates in January 1682. A review of the Indian wars of 1653 under then governor Diego Guajardo Fajardo, and of the situation concerning the dispute over the assignment of br. Juan del Candano to run the doctrinas is being investigated by lt. Gov. Juan Hurtado de Castilla. In the first segment of 1653 documents br. Juan del Candano presents his case. He claims his appointment as rector of Parral; San Diego and all doctrinas is valid, backed by a royal cedula and the bishop of Nueva Vizcaya. Another document shows payment of 4,000 pesos to governor Guajardo Fajardo for administrative purposes in conjunction with Candano's work. Candano claims however, that Jesuit padre Gabriel Villar, and Jesuit padre Joseph Pasqual would not relinquish the doctrinas of Huejotitlan and San Philipe and instead encouraged the Indian chief Don Geronimo to oppose the new padres and Spanish authority. This is in Tarahumara areas. Next is a jump back to 1682 and padre Bernardo Pardo provincial of the Jesuits tells Juan Hurtado that the situation was different and the following documents will attest to it. There follows a long Series of military accounts, narrations autos and autos from the gov. Guajardo Fajardo over the period April 8, 1653 thru October 7, 1653 - all dealing with the Indian wars. In these we See that the governor was paying the Salinero Indians of Tizonazo to go out and defeat the Tarahumares, the Cabezas, the Tepehuanes and other Indian groups. The leader of the Salineros ^Amigos^ was Don Geronimo Moranta. The Indians speak of drought, of the Mesquite not producing food and are constantly requesting flour and corn. The peso payments to the Indians totaled 219 pesos in one month and 328 pesos in another case. Persons- Juan Hurtado de Castilla, lt. Governor of Nueva Vizcaya (1682); padre Francisco de Valdez (SJ), archivest? (1682); br. Juan del Candano, rector of Parral and San Diego and doctrinas (1653); padre Gabriel Villar (SJ); padre Joseph Pasqual (SJ); governor Diego Guajardo Fajardo; padre Bernardo Pardo, provincial of the society of Jesus of Nueva Espana; general Juan de Barrazas; capt. Gonzalo Messia de Mosana, Alcalde of San Bartolome; capt. Geronimo de Leyva; alfarez Don Luis de Valdez; capt. Esteban de Evasio; Geronimo Moranta, Salinero Indian capitan; Francisco Mama, Salinero capitan; Santiago, Toboso Indian capitan. (R. Davis) (1975)
Guajardo Fajardo, Diego (Gov)
Hurtado de Castilla, Juan (Lt. Governor)
Valdez, Francisco de (Padre)
Candano, Juan del (Br.)
Villar, Gabriel (Padre)
Pasqual, Joseph (Padre)
Pardo, Bernardo (Pacre)
Barrazas, Juan de (General)
Messia de Mosana, Gonzalo (Capitan)
Leyva, Geronimo de (Capitan)
Valdez, Luis de (Alfarez)
Evasio, Esteban de (Capitan)
Moranta, Geronimo (Salinero Capitan)
Mama, Francisco
Santiago (Toboso Capitan)
San Joseph del Parral
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZU Film 0318 rl. 1653a fr. 0475-0584.
Original Location
AP, Parral, Mf. rl. 1653a fr. 0475-0584
See related details on the religious authority issue- Film 318 1653a frames no. 0451b-0460b, and on indian issue Film 318 1654a 0190-0342. On agriculture issue see also- Film 0318 1653a 0381b-0389a
Batch Reference Number
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