A ^proof^ of heritage - testimony to blood line.

Serial Number
Aguilera y Castilla, C. de (Alferez)
Vega y Salazar, G. de (Capitan General)
Reyes, G. de las (Capitan)
Sepulveda, A. de
Aguilera, M. de (Capitan)
Castilla, G. de
Castilla, J. de (Capitan)
Niebla, M.
San Joseph del Parral. August 1653 orig. Sgnd.
This is a petition by alfarez Cristobal for permission to get testimony to his family heritage. He presents a 12 question document, then gets responses from Approx. 8 people who attest to his heritage. It seems his grandmother (on his Mother's Side) was a daughter? of a Conquistador and an original citizen of Mexico City. All testimony is positive. No ruling included here. Persons- alfarez Cristobal de Aguilera y Castilla of Parral and Mexico City; capt-general Geronimo de Vega y Salazar of Parral, justicia; capt. Geronimo de las Reyes of Parral; Antonio de supulveda, Vezino of Parral; capt. Diego Morales of Villa of San Diego; capt. Bartolome Gutierrez de Villanuno of Parral; capt. Melchor de Aguilera (dad); Geronomia de Castilla (mom); capt. Juan de Castilla; Maria de Niebla. (R. Davis) (1975)
Aguilera y Castilla, Cristobal de (Alfarez)
Vega y Salazar, Geronimo de (Capitan-General)
Reyes, Geronimo de las (Capitan)
Sepulveda, Antonio de (Vezino)
Morales, Diego (Capitan)
Gutierrez de Villanuno, Bartolome (Capitan)
Aguilera, Melchor de (Capitan)
Castilla, Geronomia de
Castilla, Juan de (Capitan)
Niebla, Maria de
San Joseph del Parral
First Location
AZU Film 0318 rl. 1653a fr. 0460-0475.
Original Location
AP, Parral, Mf. rl. 1653a fr. 0460-0475
Batch Reference Number
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