
Serial Number
Urbanela, B. de (Captain)
Biezma, A. de
Fernandez de Carrion, J. (Captain)
Santa Cruz, J. de
Moralez Garcia, A. (Captain) Botello y Perrano, A. (Captain)
Rivera y Zapatta, D. de
Urbanella, A. de
Ruiz de Alfaro, D. de
Castillo, A. del
Gonzalez, A.
San Joseph del Parral. December 1648 - February 1649 orig. Sgnd.
This Series of documents concerns the execution of the will of captain Bartolome de Urbanela. The first few documents contain the widow Dona Ana's request for the will to be read and her claim made official. After a couple statements of character by men attesting to Dona Ana's relation to Bartolome the will is transcribed. Following it comes an inventory of capt Bartolome's hacienda San Jose and of his many ^estancias^ in the San Bartolome Valley. After leaving funds to establish a ^capellania^ Bartolome orders his debts paid and leaves the rest to his widow. In the inventory of the estate many Negro slaves are listed. Note- the testamento here is a transcription by Scribe. A list of some of the names in the document- Juan de Santa Cruz, Vezino and Miner of Parral; capt. Alonso Moralez Garcia; capt Alonso Botello y parrano; Diego de Rivera y Zapatta, Vezino and Miner of Parral; Antonio de urbanella, Brother of capt. Bartolome; Diego de Ruiz de Alfaro; Alonso del Castillo; Andres Gonzalez. Persons- capt. Bartolome de Urbanela of Parral; Dona Ana de Biezma, widow of Bartolome; capt Juan Fernandez de Carrion, justicia of Parral. (Roger Davis) (1975)
Urbanela, Bartolome de (Captain)
Biezma, Ana de (Widow)
Fernandez de Carrion, Juan (Captain) (Justicia)
Santa Cruz, Juan de (Vezino) (Miner)
Moralez Garcia, Alonso (Captain)
Botello y Perrano, Alonso (Captain)
Rivera y Zapatte, Diego de (Vezino) (Miner)
Urbanello, Antonio de
Ruiz de Alfaro, Diego de
Castello, Alonso del
Gonzalez, Andres
San Joseph del Parral
First Location
AZU Film 0318 rl. 1649c fr. 1373-1400.
Original Location
AP, Parral, Mf. rl. 1649c fr. 1373-1400
Alonso moralez Garcia is also mentioned in the ronquilla documents (testamento) Film 318 1649c no. 1274a-1373a. For original documents from which above was transcribed see Film 318 1649c 1468b-1481b.
Batch Reference Number
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