Concerns decisions about the tropa de piquete de dragones de Espana which was long assigned to Sonora.

Serial Number
Ugarte y Loyola, Jocobo (Comandante General)
Sola, Esteban
Flores, Manuel Antonio
and others
End date
Arispe, Mexico. May 31, 1787 - March 11, 1789. 46p. Letters, informes. Originals, copies, signed.
Discussion of the Spanish Tropa del Piquete de dragones. It has been based in Sonora for a long enough time that its members are now mostly Mexican-born, criollos de esta provincia, (the troop began as entirely Spanish) and they want the troop to remain in Sonora, their home, rather than return to Spain, as it appears has been suggested. One author claimed most of the original Spanish members either had died, been released, or deserted (as had Mora). Alonso Nunez de Haro y Peralta said that those who did not want to continue with the troop could be released but that they had to be replaced with new recruits because that troop was necessary to the security of the province. Ff.11-12 contains biographical information about Mata Binolas, Villaescusa, and Tona, proposed in that document as candidates for the position of capitan in la segunda compania Franca de Voluntarios de Cataluna. (it appears that is the new name for the Spanish Tropa del Piquete de dragones.) The position of capitan was left vacant by Sola's departure due to an old leg injury. The position of teniente was also vacated. Suggestions to fill it were made by Sola on ff.13. They included Sartorio, Fato, and Franco. Mata Binolas and Sartorio, respectively, were chosen. (S. Langmack may 1990)
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General)
Galvez, Conde de (Virrey)
Saenz Rico, Joseph (Capitan)
Florez, Manuel Antonio de (Virrey Electo)
Fernandez de Loredo, Joseph (Alferez)
Ullate, Ygnacio (Teniente)
Ugalde, Juan (Coronel)
Nunez de Haro y Peralta, Alonso
Sola, Estevan de (Capitan)
Alberni, Pedro
Pericas, Joseph (Alferez)
Mendinueta, Pedro (Brigadier)
Mata Binolas, Pedro de (Teniente)
Villaescusa, Pedro Sevastian (Teniente)
Tona, Joseph (Teniente)
Sartorio, Juan (Alferez)
Fato, Josef Maria (Alferez)
Franco, Juan (Alferez)
Garcia, Francisco Estevan (Teniente)
Periques, Miguel (Subteniente)
Rengel, Joseph Antonio
Florez, Manuel Antonio
Mora, Martin
Villa Urrestia, Antonio
Barbaris, Juan (Cabo)
Bargas, Ygnacio
Serrano, Jose
Croix, Caballero de (Comandante General)
Cuendinueta, Pedro
Cuartavinolas, Pedro de
Valdes y Bazan, Antonio (Frey)
Santa Cruz (Presidio)
San Ygnacio
Santa Cruz (Presidio)
Altar (Presidio)
Tucson, San Agustin (Presidio)
Nuevo Mexico (Provincia)
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Espana, Tropa del Piquetes de Dragones
Sonora, las Companias Presidiales
Sonora, Compania de Voluntarios
Cataluna, Compania de Voluntarios de
Cataluna, Segunda Compania Franca de Voluntarios de
San Ygnacio, Compania de Pimas de
Granada, Regimiento de Ynfanteria de
Santa Cruz, Compania Presidial de
Bacoachi, Compania de Opatas de
Bavispe, Compania de Opatas de
Sonora, la Pimeria Compania de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 266 ff. 001-092
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 266 ff. 001-092
Correctly numbered folios. Ff.15 is repeated (after a few inches of blank tape). Ff.39-40 repeated.
Reference Number
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