Diligencias practicadas en averiguacion del suisidio del senor gobernador coronel Francisco Yxart.

Serial Number
Alba, Pedro de (Comandante Accidental)
Calleja, Felix (Comandante Coronel)
Perea, Ramon (Alferez)
and others
End date
San Carlos. Apr 26 to August 31, 1804. 102p. Letters, informes, transcriptions, drawing. Signed.
Very interesting record of investigation into death of Yxart, gobernador de Nuevo Santander, April 18. Alva is placed in charge of inquiry into suicide. letter from Caleja suggesting perhaps miscreant from volante killed him, created appearance of suicide for revenge. Transcription of questioning of soldiers, blacksmith interspersed throughout. Testimony by reputable sources of deceased's character, recent actions, events surrounding discovery of corpse. Long letter from moquira speculating on circumstances that may shoe, stabbed with knife; all doors to room closed. F.95 is detailed floorplan of governor's Palace with drawing of scene inconclusive evidence for foulplay; no prosecution undertaken. Yxart given ecclesiastic burial anyway. (A. Dean, July 1989)
Yxart, Francisco (Gobernador)(Coronel)
Alba, Pedro de (Comandante Accidental)
Bustamante, Joseph Ramon (Capitan)
Calleja, Felix (Comandante Coronel)
Perea, Ramon de (Alferez)
Martinez de Pinillos, Ramon
Dios Muniz, Juan
Romero, Javier (Teniente)
Lores, Juan Manuel (Capitan)
Allende, Juan Antonio de
Lores Noriega, Juan Manuel (Capitan)
Suarez, Enrrique Camilo
Faxias, Rafael
Ayende, Juan Antonio
Nogaro, Manuel
Margain, Miguel
Mancilla, Juaquin
Lopez Prietto, Pedro (Alferez)
Romero, Francisco Xavier
Cayetano Giron, Jose
Garcia, Francisco Cosme
Nava del Rey, Luis de la (Fray)
Iturrigaray, Joseph de (Virrey)
Mosquera (Auditor)
San Luis Potosi
Nuevo Santander
San Carlos
Military Groups
Nuevo Santander, Segunda Compania Volante de
Hoyos, Milicias de
Camargo, Compania Miliciana de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 245 Part I, ff. 047-097
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 245 Part I, ff. 047-09
Folios not numbered. F.95 duplicated.
Reference Number
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