Sobre ajustes de la tropa que conduje a este capital dos oficiales arrestados y que estaban iniciados en la causa del capitan don Juan Maria Murgier.

Serial Number
San Maxent, Francisco Maximiliano de
Calleja, Felix (Teniente Coronel)
Rodriguez de Biedma, Tomas
and others
Beginning date
End date
Llera. San Luis Potosi. Mexico. March, 1794-April 6, 1803. 75p. Letters. Informes. Signed.
Document speaks of agreement to pay troops in Mexico who had escorted two prisoners, Puga and Murgier, from Nuevo Santander. Time spent in Mexico said to be in excess of planned and renumeration given. F. 243 gives salary of Ximenes and Galban for year 1992. F. 254 -256 is relacion of monthly payments given to soldiers, Cavos, and sargentos of segunda compania de Nuevo Santander. Calleja's review of said company given. F. 258 is relacion of money given to Rodriguez de Biedma for payment of troops for years 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794. F. 260-262 pay scale for company. F. 264-265 other money matters pertaining to company. (P. Lenz, March 1990)
Murgier, Juan Maria (Capitan)
Ximenes, Pedro (Cavo)
Galvan, Christoval (Soldado)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
Leon, Euxenio de (Sargento)
San Maxent, Francisco Maximiliano de
Serna, Jose Estevan de (Teniente)
Puga, Antonio Fabian de (Teniente)
Sierra Gorda, Conde de
Castro, Ramon de (Comandante General)
Ronca, Gabriel (Soldado)
Cadena, Justo (Soldado)
Enriqes, Jose (Soldado)
Calleja, Felix (Teniente Coronel)
Corvalan, Christoval
Beltran, Joseph Maria
San Luis Potosi
Llera (Villa)
Nuevo Santander
Military Groups
Nuevo Santander, Segunda Compania Volante de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 242 ff. 242-281
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 242 ff. 242-281
Reference Number
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