Sobre abono de haveres en este capital al teniente, sargento, cavo, y soldados de la compania del presidio de Santa Maria de Llera indicados en la causa de don Juan Maria Murgier.

Serial Number
Rodrigues Biedma, Thomas (Sargento Mayor)
Diaz de Salcedo, Bruno
Sierra Gorda, Conde de
End date
Laredo. Santander. San Luis Potosi. Mexico. October 27, 1791-February 28, 1794. Letters. Informes. Signed.
Document concerns grievances of soldiers of Nuevo Santander and company of llero who accompanied Zerna in transporting two prisoners, Murgier and Puga, to Mexico. F. 211 gives list of soldiers and orders soldiers to remain in Mexico until trial of two prisoners is completed. F. 217 is letter from one soldier, de Leon, complaining of extended stay and noting lack of adequate clothing and money for soldiers, who intended to go to Mexico and immediately return to N. Santander. More money, due to extended leave, is requested to provide for soldiers' needs. F. 222 provides list of salaries of each soldier. 250 pesos ordered sent to soldiers to aid them. F. 241 added some time later and tells of sudden death of de Leon and speaks of his having killed five Apaches in cold blood. (P. Lenz, March 1990)
Murgier, Juan Maria (Capitan)
Puga, Antonio Fabian de (Teniente)
Leon, Eugenio de
Ximenez, Pedro
Cadena, Justo
Leon, Christobal de
Galban, Christobal
Enriquez, Jose Mariano
Roncal, Gabriel
Gutierrez, Luis
Gutierrez del Mazo, Ramon
Diaz de Salcedo, Bruno (Intendente)
Sierra Gorda, Conde de
Castro, Ramon de (Coronel)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
Llera, Santa Maria de
Laredo (Villa)
San Luis Potosi
Nuevo Santander
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Llera, Compania Presidial de
Nuevo Santander, Segunda Compania Volante de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 242 ff. 209-241
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 242 ff. 209-241
Reference Number
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