Correspondence between viceroy and de Anza concerning de Anza second expedition to California.

Serial Number
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Fray)(Virrey), Anza, Juan Baptista de (Teniente Coronel)
End date
January 2, 1775. 176pp. Letters. Informes. Peticiones. Originals. Signed.
Orders from viceroy to Anza about recruitment of soldiers with families to move to and settle San Francisco California, appointments of lieutenant and Sergeant to be in command of garrison. Also appointment of friars to accompany expedition with cooperation of fray Serra establish two missions in area settled. de Anza travels to Sinaloa and established towns in Sonora recruiting families and purchasing supplies, cattle, horses and mules for March with orders to leave as soon as possible carrying enough supplies to leave with settlers until area is established. Viceroy orders de Anza to turn command of expedition in Monterrey to Moncada who will command presidio in San Francisco, also is ordered to select with Moncada site for presidio and missions to be established and return to Sonora as soon as task accomplished. de Anza informs viceroy of progress made in recruitment impossibility of Alferez Morada to go with expedition as wife has terminal disease, also notifies viceroy of death of sargent Espinosa to unknown epidemic which has affected many families recruited slowing progress many months. de Anza request substitution of sargent from O'Conor military inspector and general commander. List of soldiers with families is sent to viceroy amounting to 191 persons not counting muleskinners, people attached to expedition like merchants, farmers who are not being paid by de Anza who is supplying them with food only, also three families whose husbands are attached to presidio of Monterrey. Anza expedition starts from Tubac on October 20, Ten months after viceroy issued orders which Anza argues is best time due to rains which will provide water and better pasture for animals. Attached are letters from fray Garces who is reluctant to go with expedition wanting instead to establish missions in upper Colorado and Gila rivers, viceroy issues him orders to join expedition under de Anza which he agrees with reluctance requesting his own special assistants and his own transportation. (A. Dell'acqua January 1988)
Anza, Juan Baptista de (Teniente Coronel)
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Fray)(Virrey)
Morada, Jose Joaquin (Alferez)
Espinoza, Joseph Ignacio (Sargento)
Fonte, Pedro de (Fray)
Goya, Manuel Ramon (Factor)
Constanso, Miguel (Ingeniero)
Rivera y Moncada, Fernando (Comandante)
Serra, Junipero (Fray)
Crespo, Francisco (Gobernador)
Roberto, Justo
Amezquita, Juan Antonio
Alvieso, Miguel Domingo
Bohorques, Ramon
Echevette, Juan Jose (Fray)
Diaz Oca, Juan (Fray)
Garcez, Francisco (Fray)
Palma, Salbador (Capitan Yuma)
Neve, Phelipe (Gobernador)
Villaescusa, Pedro (Teniente)
Cartagena, Romualdo (Fray)
Ximenez, Diego (Fray)
Truca, Bernardo de (Fray)
O'Conor, Hugo (Comandante General Inspector)
Mazon, Juan (Teniente)
Moreno Jose
Baldarran, Juan Phelipe
Grijalva, Juan Pablo (Sargento)
Estarc, Thomas (Fray)
Islas, Joseph Joaquin (Capitan)
Urrea, Ignacio Miguel (Capitan)
Ayala, Manuel de (Teniente de Fragata)
Mesa, Valerio
Gargoll, Juan (Fray)
Colorado (Rio)
Gila (Rio)
San Francisco (Puerto)
Corodehuachi, Santa Rosa (Presidio)
Terrenate (Presidio)
Tubac (Presidio)
Queretaro, Santa Cruz de (Colegio Eclesiastico)
Monterrey (Puerto)
Sonora (Provincia)
Alamos (Real)
San Gabriel (Mision)
Culiacan (Villa)
San Blas (Puerto)
Pitic (Mision)
Horcasitas, San Miguel de (Presidio)
Fuerte (Villa)
Loreto (Presidio)
Opossuro (Mision)
Tuzzon, San Agustin del (Presidio)
Santa Cruz
Bac, San Xavier del (Mision)
Opossura (Valle)
Bacoache (Valle)
Altar (Presidio)
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 237 ff. 153-241
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 237 ff. 153-241
Reference Number
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