Letters among relevant officials discussing a second bout with the malignant fevers dealt with thus far in this Volume and solicitation of help from personnel at missions.

Serial Number
Herrera, Pedro
Calleja, Felix (Subinspector)
Yrart, Francisco
and others
End date
Monterrey, San Luis Potosi, Zacatecas, San Carlos. February 6, 1803-May 6, 1803. 26p. Letters. Originals.
Letter from Herrera informing Onesimo that the fever has returned to Pilon, Linares and Salinas causing deaths and illness, fears that the disease may spread more rapidly due to hot Weather climate; presence of druggist in Cadereyta had prompt effect in terms of the illness; in Linares a junta de caridad was established to help fund the costs of treating the sick; Rio acknowledging orders to communicate the status of disease in his college of Guadalupe; Garrido responding affirmatively to virrey's plea for help from mission personnel in aiding those areas suffering from disease commits his colegio Apostolico de pachuca in this effort; letter mentioning plea to real padre custodio del tampico in regards to providing assistance in combating disease; Calleja relating to virrey that he has received correspondence from governors in areas that for the most part say that the disease has abated substantially; Yrart responding to Calleja that he has not been able to compile the list of those affected by disease that Calleja requested because the justicias have not provided him with lists he needs; letter mentioning how the disease has struck especially hard in Cadereyta, plans to have medicine available for free, Linares had the good fortune of having a French doctor in area when disease struck and he was able to assist people stricken, in fact was detained in area until his work was completed. (O. Velez, October 1989)
Herrera, Pedro
Calleja, Felix (Subinspector Coronel)
Austria, Benito (Fray)
Garcia, Francisco (Boticario)
Yturrigaray, Jose de (Virrey)
Rio, Ignacio del (Fray)
Garrido, Sebastion Alexo (Fray)
Crespo, Antonio (Fray)
Linares (Ciudad)
Salinas (Valle de)
Pilon (Valle de )
Cadereyta (Villa)
San Luis Potosi
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 228 ff. 062-074
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 228 ff. 062-074
Ff. 67 is reproduced on top of ff. 68, this sequence is listed as part of expediente 1 in indice del ramo de Provincias Internas
Reference Number
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