Letters from various authors that concern the state of the epidemic in Nuevo Santander and Nuevo Reyno de Leon.

Serial Number
Herrera, Pedro de
Duran, Onesimo (Intendente)
Calleja, Felix (Subinspector)
and others
Beginning date
End date
Monterrey/san Luis Potosi. February 8, 1803 - April 6, 1803. Letters. Originals/copies.
Herrera agrees with doctors that it is bad idea to send medicine into towns and have general population administer the medicine themselves because the likelihood is that they will not take it, asking those affected to travel to Monterrey to receive medicine for free is not feasible, the epidemic has abated in Monterrey; have characterized this epidemic as spring fever called pleurecia inflamatoria bastarda, no general cure applicable depends on the individual; letter from Duran informing virrey that he has received news of the epidemic and is prepared to take measures that are called for by the competent individuals; acknowledgement of above letter from the virrey; doctors mentioned earlier agree that reports of headaches that turn into body pains is too general for them to distribute medicine to distant towns, need more exact description of the symptoms; letter from Yrart (or Ysart) that epidemic in Nuevo Santander has abated somewhat, use of medicines proposed by doctors would be of little use since local population has tradition of using traditional botanical medicines; letter to Duran from Martinez and two doctors informing that epidemic has not been felt to any great degree in San Fernando because it has a Hospital and pharmacy. (O. Velez, October 1989)
Austria, Benito de (Cirujano)
Garcia, Francisco (Botanico)
Herrera, Pedro de
Duran, Onesimo (Intendente)
Calleja, Felix (Subinspector)
Yturrigaray, Joseph de (Virrey)
Garrido, Sabastian Alexo (Prelado)
Ballesteros, Juan
Ysart, Francisco (Governador Coronel)
Herrera, Simon de (Teniente Coronel)
Martinez, Francisco (Real Padre, Comisario de Misiones)
Mascarenas, Jose (Doctor0
Corbera, Antonio (Doctor)
San Luis Potosi
San Fernando
Nuevo Leon (Reyno de)
Nuevo Santander (Colonia)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 228 ff. 019-033
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 228 ff. 019-033
This series of documents is part of expediente 1 Vol. 228 in the indice del ramo de Provincias Internas, no expediente number on documents; documents abstracted in this series are in reverse chronological order
Reference Number
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