Serial Number
Lasso, Joseph Maria
Gonzales, Jose
Vildosola, Joseph de
Martinez, Juan Francisco
and others
End date
Baya, San Francisco Xavier de la (hacienda). May 3, 1803-March 24, 1804. 100p. Relaciones. Signed.
Certification of cargo from ministerio general de la real hacienda; several bills of sale Charged to Gonzalez del Castillo; Castillo sells mules to Martinez; certified note for delivery of powder to factory of San Pedro de Ibarra; Bill of sale of leather to Lezaun; Bill of sale of sugar, cacao to Baptista Perez; report of money spent for yerba, oil, paper, books, imported seed, iron, steel, accountants used in hacienda. Summary of money spent and made on corn, mail, steel, iron, salaries of pastors, servants, workers, cowboys, Herrero. Accounts of merchandise, with total of things sent, price of each, number of receipts; monthly portion of corn given to workers; report of sheep, bueyes, novillos, number alive, number dead during year; report of steel, iron used to make tools for hacienda; report of earnings of Herrero; report of shearing done in August, 1803, listing for each worker name, how many sheep sheared, money earned. Detailed description of horses of hacienda. (D. Bautista, December 1989)
Gonzalez del Castillo, Jose Ildefonso (Administrador)
Lasso, Joseph Maria
Lezaun, Julian
Vildosola, Joseph de
Azpeitia, Julian
Cossio, Jose
Martinez, Juan Francisco
Olmedo, Francisco de
Rasso, Josse Antonio del
Haro y Portillo, Joaquin
Solorzano, Mariano
Gonzalez y Garcia, Pedro
Lopez, Jose Mariano
Antepara, Jose Maria
Horcasitas, Manuel
Marin, Antonio Ignacio
Ibarrola, (?)
Cantero de la Fuente, Juan
Arviti, Juan Antonio de
Nieto, Mateo
Baptista Perez, Juan
Givaxa, Francisco de
Mireles, Jose
Gonzales, Jose
Velarde, Juan Jose
Ladron de Guevara, Vicente
Dolores (Rancho)
Baya, San Francisco Xavier de la (Hacienda)
Ibarra, San Pedro de (Hacienda)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 219 ff. 061-111 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 219 ff. 061-111 (Appro
Folios unnumbered. This series of documents begins with phrase found in title above.
Reference Number
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