sobre proyecto del teniente don Josef Antonio de la serna para defensa de la provincia

Serial Number
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Mariscal de Campo)
Serna, Joseph Antonio de la (Teniente)
Guemes y Orcasitas, Juan Vicente (Virrey)(Alias Conde de Revilla Gigedo)
End date
San Fernando, Padilla, Santa Rosa. October 10, 1790 - July 10, 1792. 20p. Letters, informes. Originals.
Virrey informs Loyola of Serna's plans to decrease Indian hostilities by establishing two missions under colegio Apostolico de San Francisco de pachuca. Virrey wants additional information on mission plans; leaves decision to Loyola, who protests he is to close to licesor to judge such proposals. Serna is suspended from his company. Serna asks Revilla Gigedo for help from segunda compania against Indians, promises results within year. Serna wants to build missions, have them run by convent of San Diego de Pachuca; to prevent rebellion of converts they should be allowed to remain in traditional dwelling places, integration of trabajo corporal into their daily lives should proceed slowly, their material possessions should not be taken. Serna assesses Tamaulipa area as rich prospect for Mineral resources, livestock, year-round agriculture near coast, fishing. (O. Velez, March 1990)
Serna, Joseph Antonio de la (Teniente)
Bisnet, Joseph Mariano (Padre)
Castro, Ramon
Guemes y Orcasitas, Juan Vicente (Virrey) (Alias Conde de Revilla Gigedo)
Lasaga, Diego de (Coronel)
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Mariscal de Campo)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)(Alias Guemes y Orcasitas, Juan Vicente)
Pachuca, San Francisco de (Colegio Apostolico)
San Fernando (Villa)
Padilla, San Antonio de (Villa)
Santa Rosa (Valle)
Military Groups
Nuevo Santander, Primera Compania Volante de
Nuevo Santander, Segunda Compania Volante de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 209 ff. 107-116 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 209 ff. 107-116 (Appro
One letter incomplete. Folios unnumbered, these documents begin with phrase in title.
Reference Number
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