Compania Volante de la punta. Triplicado quaderno de los documentos de revista de inspeccion pasado a dicha compania por el teniente coronel don Felix Calleja.

Serial Number
Calleja, Felix (Teniente Coronel)
Ramon, Juan Ignacio (Teniente)
Trevino, Antonio (Alferez)
and others
Beginning date
End date
Punta (villa). Lampazos. March 13, 1795-July 10, 1795. 27p. Informes. Letters. Signed.
Ff. 282-284 summary of lists that follow. Ff. 283 extract of inspection given by Calleja. List of officials. Calleja's remarks concerning inspection. Troops shoot poorly, instruction poor, lack of arms, excessive use of gunpowder, poor state of dress, number of horses, and list of financial state. Principal cause of company's faults is due to Vaamonde's lack of leadership. Ramon's inability to command also cited. Cabos, Soldados, and sargentos said to ignore their responsibilities. Ff. 286-288 is a list of individuals and time served and time remaining in company. F. 288 list of Invalidos, their ages, years of service, and destino desired. F. 289 Baltierra's biography. F. 290 list of cumplidos and inutiles according to class and motives of separation. F. 292 list of armaments and lack of armaments according to class. Ff. 293-295 financial state - savings and debts - of each individual. (P. Lenz, October 1989)
Calleja, Felix (Teniente Coronel)
Branciforte, Marques de
Vaamonde, Manuel (Gobernador)
Ramon, Juan Ignacio (Teniente)
Castaneda, Juan de (Teniente)
Trevino, Antonio (Alferez)
Bochat, Angel (Alferez)
Fernandez, Jose (Cadete)
Baltierra, Juan Jose (Cavo)
Carmen, Maria del
Caimurguir, Jose Antonio (Sargento)
Leon, Nuevo Reyno de (Provincia)
Punta (Villa)
San Juan Bautista
Santa Rosa (Valle)
San Luis
Ethnic Groups
Punta de Lampazos, Compania De
San Juan Bautista, Compania Volante
Saltillo, Compania De
Military Groups
Punta, Compania Volante de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 203 ff. 282-296
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 203 ff. 282-296
Reference Number
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