revista de la tercera compania para Calleja se dio cuenta a S.M. por conducto de...en carta no. 327 de 29 de julio de 1799.

Serial Number
Calleja, Felix (Teniente Colonel)
Maxent, Francisco Maximiliano de
Beginning date
End date
Laredo. Monterrey. Santander. February 1, 1795-June 8, 1799. 32p. Informes. Letters. Signed.
Documents deal with Calleja's inspection of 2nd and 3rd companies of Nuevo Santander. Calleja describes bad condition of companies. Herrera's letter advises that remedies be taken to improve companies. Ff. 237-238 gives list of men and officials of company and Calleja's remarks. Ff. 239-240 list of soldiers, years of service and time remaining. Ff. 240 list of Invalidos and reasons for this status. Ff. 241-242 brief biographies of two Invalidos, Gonzales and Albarado. Ff. 243 list of individuals that se hallan cumplidos. ff. 244 list of armaments. Ff. 245 list of creditos and debitos of each individual of company. Ff. 246 list of Fondo de gratificaciones. Last pages give a review of inspection and of the previous visits by conde de Sierra Gorda and Gutierrez de la Cueva. (P. Lenz, November 1989)
Calleja, Felix (Teniente Colonel)
Cosio, Nicolas (Teniente)
Echagaray, Juan Domingo (Alfarez)
Galvan, Manuel
Herrera, Simon de (Capitan)
Pugo, Antonio (Teniente)
Bujanos, Manuel (Alfarez)
Garumbo, Nicolas (Segundo Alfarez)
Gonzales, Marfil (Cavo)
Albarado, Julian (Soldado)
Guerra, Mariano (Sargento)
Barberena, Jose Maria (Soldado)
Maxent, Francisco Maximiliano de
Dobalina, Manuel (Soldado)
Lacosta, Francisco (Cadete)
Gutierrez de la Cueva, Juan (Ayudante Inspector)
Sierra Gorda, Conde de
Laredo (Villa)
Leon, Nuevo Reyno de
Lampazos (Punto)
Nuevo Santander
Mays (Valle)
Horcasitas (Ciudad)
Military Groups
Nuevo Santander, Tercera Compania Volante
Nuevo Santander, Segunda Compania Volante
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 203 ff. 232-249
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 203 ff. 232-249
F. 235 duplicated title page. Original title page on folio 232.
Reference Number
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