Correspondence concerning establishment of mission and pueblo among the pame Indians of Xichu.

Serial Number
Iturrigaray, Joseph de
and others
End date
Xichu. June 23, 1803- January 4,1805. 98p. Informes. Autos. Originals. Signed.
Series of documents concerning reorganization of missions among the Pame. Includes description of the conditions of the Pame and the difficulty the missionaries are having in converting them Du to their bad habits and paganism. Methods of converting the pam include division and distribution of land to families for subsistence and provision of an industry for spinning and weavin cotton and wool, to establish school for orphans, to move over 5 prisoners and fugitives to secure prison, and to build a planned Pueblo. Includes census table for Pame in Corral de Piedras, San Jose and Arroyo Sarco according to marriage status, age and sex (ff.8) and a detailed geographic map of the area (ff.9). Documents discuss problems with crime, laziness and drunkenness of Indians and difficulty in getting them to cooperate. Several letters mention the Superior order of December 2, 1800 concerning procedures for reporting good and bad effects on the Pame every six months. Ff. 37-43 discuss laws concerning the formation of pueblos, conversion of the Indians and dividing land into 80 lot of 50 varos for Pame families, and allotment of 12,000 pesos given to archbishop for subsistence of converts. (S. Tisdale, March 1990)
Xavier Mata, Francisco (Indio)(Gobernador)
Vaessa, Miguel
Lopez, Marco
Mateos, Agustin (Cura Parroco Bachiller)
Iturrigaray, Josef de (Virrey)
Ramis, Sebastian (Fray)(Guardian)
Pumicle (?), Juan Jose de (Fray)
Alias, Juan (Fray)
Rivera, Jua (Fray)
Iterrales, Francisco (Fray)
Bertran, Antonio (Fray)
Rodriguez, Pasqual (Fray)
Gringas, Diego (Fray)
Hernandez, Domingo
Matheos de Villanueva, Agustin
Arbizo, Jose Antonio (Caudillo)
Ortiz, Bernardo (Cura)(Juez)
Castillo y Llata, Juan Antonio (Coronel)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
Lizana, Franco Xavier (Arzobispo de Mexico)
Riano, Juan Antonio de
Septiano y Primo, Manuel (Subdelegado)
Paz, Jua de la (Subdelegado)
Xichu de Indios (Pueblo)
Sierra Gorda
Linares, San Jose de (Mision)
Linares, San Fernando de Arroyo de (Mision)
Linares, Sa Gabriel Corral y Piedras de (Mision)
Xichu, San Juan Baptista de (Pueblo)
Queretaro (Ciudad)
Arroyo Zarco (Rancheria)
San Jose (Rancheria)
Queretaro, Santa Cruz de (Colegio Apostolico)
Corral de Piedras (Rancheria)
San Luis (Misiones)
Palmas, San Miguel de las (Pueblo)
Xichu (Rio)
San Diego (Hacienda)
San Geronimo (Hacienda)
Capulin (Hacienda)
Charcas (Hacienda)
Paz, San Luis de la
Arroyo Seco
Xochimilco (Visita)
Ethnic Groups
Mecos Pames
Military Groups
Sierra Gorda, Cuerpo de Frontera de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 202 ff. 001-049 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 202 ff. 001-049 (Appro
Documents unfoliated, folios out of order and begin with ff.11, water spots, writing bleeding through some pages, notes in margins, illegible signatures, blank pages, first page of letter missing (ff.44), ff.48 repeated.
Reference Number
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