ano de 1799. expediente promovido por don Alexo Rubalcaba contador real de diezmos de esta Santa Iglesia catedral ante el gobernador del Nuevo Reyno de Leon

Serial Number
Rubalcaba, Alexo (Contador)
Sada, Manuel de (Alcalde)
Herrera Leiba, Simon de (Gobernador)
and others
Beginning date
End date
Monterrey. February 7, 1799-August 8, 1799. 60p. Letters, autos. Originals, signed.
Several letters dealing with the conflict between the bishop and Rubalcaba. Letter from Rubalcaba to Herrera complaining that his salary has been delayed by orders of the bishop. The governor interrogates all the people involved in the matter of Rubalcaba, requests advice from fiscal Mexia in the problem of Rubalcaba. Gobernador sends the autos in the case of Rubalcaba to the virrey. The real Audiencia requests autos from the bishop. Letter from the king to bishop requesting he consider the case of Rubalcaba. fiscales from Mexico Argue that the bishop is abusing his power. (D. Bautista, February 1990)
Rubalcaba, Alexo (Contador)
Landazuri, Jose Cayetano (Contador)
Ayala, Agabo (Capitan)
Ugartechea, Joaquin de
Herrera Leiba, Simon de (Gobernador)
Sada, Manuel de (Alcalde)
Berrio, Pedro
Fernandez, Jose Antonio
Portillo, Francisco
Llanos de Valdes, Andres Ambrocio (Obispo)
Mexia, Juan Manuel (Licenciado)
Rigada, Manuel de la
Rodriguez Gallardo, Jose
Gonzalez Calderon, Thomas
Cacho Calderon, Hemeterio
Mier, Cosme de
Azanza, Miguel Joseph de
Villanueva Zapata, Jose Maria de Jauregui
Colina, Marques de la
Villaseca, Jose Manuel
Urresti, Francisco Xavier (Regidor)
Torijano, Jose de Jesus
Margain, Manuel
Navamuel, Ignacio
Chirlim, Jose Maria
Fernandez de Cordoba, Jose (Procurador)
Cervantes, Juan Maria (Procurador)
Anda, Juan Francisco
Gonzalez Carvajal, Ciriaco
Nuevo Reyno de Leon
San Pedro (Valle)
Pesqueira (Valle)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 195 ff. 377-407 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 195 ff. 377-407 (Appro
This series of documents can be found with the phrase found in the title above.
Reference Number
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