Serial Number
Ramon, Diego (Capitan)
Almazan, Fernando Perez de (Gobernador)
Mendoza, Manuel Malo de (Secretaria)
and others
Beginning date
End date
Loreto. March 31 - September 7, 1724 56p. Autos. Signed. Originals
Four soldiers are attacked while on watch on January 13, 1724. Two are killed, one wounded and one escaped without harm. Governor Almazan begins an investigation of the events leading up to the attack. Questions asked of the commanders of the presidio at which nation of Indians are responsible?, how many soldiers are at the presidio?, were the soldiers armed, on horseback or on foot?, and was there negligence on behalf of the commanding officers? This information was to be collected on declarations. Approximately one month after a local Indian uprising by the Cojanes, Carancaguases and Guapites nations, Arge spots an Indian in a nearby oak grove lighting a fire and reports it to Diego Ramon. Garza mounts a horse to investigate returning shortly having seen nothing. Whether men should be outfitted with horses and arms is disputed. That night, January 30, 1724, four sentinels are attacked. The men are poorly armed and on foot. Sentinel Juan Rodriguez returns on foot with two arrow wounds while sentinel Miabe escapes unarmed to the mission where he borrows a horse. Sentinels Antonio Garcia and Ramon de Burgos are killed. Governor Perez de Almazan visits the presidio to find it in disrepair, the men poorly armed, clothed and showing poor military training due to Diego Ramon according to the governor's report. The original uprising occurred on December 19, 1723 when 40 Indians retaliated for a soldier knifing an an Indian. In Olivan de Rebolledo's final report, he suggests garrza be relieved of his rank of sargent, Diego Ramon be relieved of his rank of captain and the lieutenant (?) of his rank. (E. Wilson, March 1990)
Almazan, Fernando Perez de (Gobernador)
Mendoza, Manuel Malo de (Secretario)
Ramon, Diego (Comandante)
Garza, Ygnacio de la (Sargento)
Leon, Fernando Perez de (Teniente)
Miabe, Nicolas de (Cabo)
Arge, Bernardo de
Casafuerte, Marques de (Virrey)
Bega, Santiago de
Aguirre, Gabriel de
Gonzales, Lucas
Balle, Lucas del
Barrera, Alonso
Garcia, Antonio
Martin, Antonio
Gonzales, P.S.
Benites, Domingo
Ramires, Cristoval
Canto, Martin del
Lizano, Julio
Asenzio, Salbador
Burgos, Andres Ramon
Con, Francisco del
Ramires, Bernardo
Hernandes, Lazaro
Gonzales, Matheo
Barron, Bernardo Joseph
Hernandez, Nicolas
Con, Alonso del
Naveja, Manuel
Olivares, Miguel de
Miranda, Francisco Diego de
Rubio, Julio
Gonzales, Lorenzo
Gedea, Juan Joseph de
Sausedo, Diego
Cruz, Manuel de la
Abila, Julio de
Camacho, Julio
Tadeo, Cristobal
Benites, Julio
Gomez, Leonardo
Castro, Agustin de
Gonzales Hidalgo, Pedro
Reyes, Nicolas de los
Damian, Sebastian
Colindres, Julio Antonio
Burgos, Ygnacio Ramon
Rico, Cristobal
Guizas, Julio Joseph de
Martin, Marcos
Burgos, Pedro Ramon
Cortes, Miguel
Munoz, Ygnacio Xavier
Mus, Juan Joseph de Le
Rodriguez, Azenio
Arellano, Joseph Sanchez
Garcia, Julio
Hernandez, Joseph
Servantes, Anttonio
Gomez, Joseph
Solorio, Pedro
Rodriguez, Julio
Aranbula, Manuel
Munoz, Xavier
Munoz, Nicolas
Cordova, Joseph de
Olivares, Francisco de
Leon, Jacinto de
Conde, Carlos
Conde, Domingo
Torres, Sevastian
Terrazas, Joseph de
Ramon, Juan Domingo
Bullones, Anttonio
Benites, Julio Anttonio
Hernandez, Francisco Xavier
Garza, Julio de la
Morales, Manuel
Perez, Cayetano
Leon, Simon de
Aldape, Manuel de
Perez, Nicolas
Galan, Francisco
Ramon, Anttonio
Gonzales Chavira, Miguel
Garcia, Dionisio
Gutierres, Anttonio
Bergara, Joseph Cayetano de
Olivan Rebolledo, Juan de
Muro, Julio del
Loreto, Nuestra Senora de (Presidio)
Espiritu Santo (Bahia)
Rio Grande (Presidio)
Espiritu Santo (Rancheria)
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Military Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 181 ff. 310-337
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 181 ff. 310-337
Ff. 326 -327 summary of incident, ff. 328 - 329 list of men and their arms, ff. 330 illegible, binding swallows words,
Reference Number
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