Letter from the administrator of hacienda de California to the viceroy insisting in his request for more land

Serial Number
Valiente, Pedro (Administrador)
Palacios, Juan Fernando de
End date
Mexico, hoyos, padilla. February 14, 1769, July 18, 1769. 92p. Letters, informes, autos. Originals, transcriptions.
Valiente, administrator of the hacienda de Californias, insists villages is not canceled, most of the sheep of the hacienda will die during the present year because they do not have enough land to graze. The request causes great concern among the authorities because they find themeselves in the dilemma of revoking a right of the settlers or harming the real hacienda (which is administering the temporalities of the Jesuits since their expulsion). Long transcriptions of the reports, letters and acts related to the repartimiento of the missions' land to the new villages are attached. It becomes clear that the government is interested in maintaining the villages for strategic reasons, as frontier settlements. Several details concerning the precise limits of each jurisdiction and private estate, the resources and about procedures for the division of land in general are included. (S. Nielsen, October 1989)
Osorio, Jose
Casas, Julian de las
Ibarra, Pedro de
Palacios, Juan Fernando (Mariscal de Campo)
Tienda de Cuerbo
Sandoval, Francisco de
Vasquez Tamayo, Bernabe
Taboada, Domingo
Lozada, Federico
Martines, Juan
Villafuerte, Isidro
Sosaya, Martin de
Bazques, Bernabe
Guerrero, Juan
Lopez, Alonzo (Teniente)
Montelongo, Bartolome
Zamora, Fernando
Zerna, Jose Antonio
Zamora, Jose Maria
Unzaga, Domingo de
Escandon, Jose
Cortinas, Antonio (Sargento Mayor)
Canal, Manuel de la
Suniga, Efigenio (Visitador)
Torres, Jose Basilio de
Reyes, Ignacio de los
Olasaran, Juan Jose
Rodea, Blas
Ramires, Pedro Jose
Lopes, Alejandro
Franco, Paulin
Rodriguez, Jose
Delgado, Juan Pablo
Olasaran, Juan Jose
Peres, Miguel
Arias, Juan de
Garcia de Solis, Pablo
Paz, Salvador de la
Sanchez de Samora, Fernando
Muniz, Juan de
Guemez (Pueblo)
Llanos, San Antonio de los
Hoyos, Santo Domingo de (Villa)
Ibarra, San Pedro de (Hacienda)
Osorio, Jose
San Antonio (Rio)
Benado (Pueblo)
Cabrera (Mogote)
Pilon, Rio de
Santiago, Cerro de (Pueblo)
Borbon (Real)
Padilla (Villa)
Purificacion (Rio)
Prieta (Mesa)
Californias (Misiones)
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 179 ff. 043-088
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 179 ff. 043-088
Reference Number
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