Autos from the population of villa de San Ignacio de Loyola de Revillagido requesting moderation in the Alcabalas.

Serial Number
Gorraez, Joseph de (Secretario)
Montalvan, Joseph
Bala, Joseph
and others
End date
Nuevo Santander. May 31, 1769-July 21, 1769. 44p. Autos. Signed, copies.
The Spaniards of San Ignacio de Revilla inform virrey that they are assisting in the pacification of the Indians and in the construction of a church without any cost to the royal hacienda. Hacendados want the virrey reconsider how much they will have to pay for the Alcabala. recaudadores, tax collectors, send the operational accounting most specify the transactions; 3. The collectors will charge 4%; 4. The spiritual contracts can be made in other places; 5. Civil justices and scribes must declare the number of documents they have; 6. Religious are exempt from paying; 7. Indians are exempt; 8. Corn is exempt; 9. Several seeds if not sold only pay 5%; 10. The sellers have to pay; 11. Those who do not have an address have to pay also; 12. The commerce of Castilla also have obligations; 13. Those who refuse to pay will pay four times more; 14. Contraband is prohibited. 15. Methods of good administration. (D. Bautista, April 1990)
Riofrio, Francisco
Legarribay, Damian
Carrascal, Bernardo Joseph
Escandon, Joseph (Coronel)
Urdayeta, Joseph
Guerra Falcon, Joseph Antonio
Saldana, Pedro
Genico, Antonio Jazinto
Guerra Camanan, Joseph de
Baez Benavidez, Christobal (Capitan)
Bala, Joseph
Rojas y Abreu, Antonio
Montalvan, Joseph de
Gutierrez de Lara, Bernave
Soveron, Juan Francisco
Garcia, Vicente
Ochoa, Antonio de
Canales, Cayetano
Gutierrez de Lara, Joseph
Martinez, Bartholome
Martinez, Nicolas
Recio, Joseph Felix
Cuellar, Bartholome
Cuellar, Jacinto de
Herrera, Felix
Herrera, Juan Joseph
Gutierrez de Castro, Juan Joseph
Juarez, Manuel
Leal, Joseph Antonio
Cuellar, Joachin
Gonzalez Solis, Joseph
Gutierrez de Lara, Clememente
Venavides, Miguel
Gutierrez de Castro, Vicente
Venavides, Xavier
Osorio, Joseph
Gonzalez, Vicente
Venavides Recio, Juan Joseph
Venavides de la Serna, Juan Joseph
Bacilio Pena, Joseph
Gutierrez, Bartholome
Trevino, Joseph Cayetano
Salinas, Joachin
Pena, Joachin
Pena, Jacinto
Salinas, Regalado
Gutierrez, Santiago
Venavides, Pedro
Trevino, Diego
Ramirez, Joseph Christoval
Vela, Rafael
Silbestre, Joseph
Martinez, Xavier
Venavides de Ochoa, Joseph
Ramirez, Christoval
Vela, Pedro
San Ignacio
Nuevo Reyno de Leon
Nuevo Santander
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 173 ff. 235-257
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 173 ff. 235-257
Reference Number
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