libranzas giridas contra el fondo de temporalidades para debolver a las misiones de taraumara y tephanes que administran los ex Jesuitas....

Serial Number
Beregana, Domingo (Real Tesorero)
Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey)
Bonilla, Antonio and others
Beginning date
End date
Mexico, Chihuahua. June 26, 1789 - May 21, 1790. 38p. Approximate. Letters, temporalidades. Originals, copies. expulsion of the Jesuits and the reorganization of the missions in taraumara and tepehuana which will involve the individuals Gomez de Salazar, Beregana, and the biones indians; certification that 10,000 pesos have been deposited into real caja under authority of Beregana by yribarren on behalf of guizarnotegui and amount is deductable from the pay in arrears account; sealed letter from guizarnotegui certifying that he had yribarren deposit 10,000 as mentioned above; letter to real hazienda informing them of the 10,000 deposit; further explanation of above transaction with involvement of mugarrieta and madariaga; virrey's statement that he will release the 10,000 pesos from the account fondo de temporalidades once he receives draft or bill exchange; 3,000 pesos to be put in real caja under authority of podruesa on behalf of palacios to be taken from fondo de temporalidades and deducted from his pay in arrears, total for this account being 70,410 pesos; certification for 3,000 pesos for palacios and pesquera; pinto's request that their money associated with above transactions be released; three additional certifications fo 9,000, 3,600, and 4,500 pesos deposited by yribarren, porio, and martinez on behalf of heros, orduna, and galo; letter from virrey completing above transaction; request by heros, orduna and galo that sums mentioned above be credited to their pay in arrears account; the deposit of 21,317 pesos tres tomines tres granos in coinage belonging to recently deceased Arechevala, severino by the executors of his estate Arechevala, manuel and baroco into the real caja with the request that said sums be released from pay in arrears account. (O. Velez, March 1989)
Gomez de Salazar, Manuel
Beregana, Domingo (Real Tesorero)
Yribarren, Joseph Antonio
Guizarnotegui, Fransisco de
Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey)
Mugarrieta, Juan Phelipe
Pesquera, Fransisco
Madarriega, Justo Pastor
Bonilla, Antonio
Pedruesa, Savino Diego de la
Palacios, Juan Luis
Pinto, Thomas
Porio, Ventura de
Martinez, Manuel
Heros, Manuel de los
Orduna, Jose de
Galo, Leornado Maria de
Arechevala, Manuel de
Baroc, Antonio de
Arechevala, Severino
Ochoa, Pablo de
Yrigoyen, Pedro Ignacio de
Chincorra, Santa Ana (Mision)
Chihuagua (Villa)
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 081-100 (Approx) exp. 5
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 081-100 (Appro
Folios unnumbered; first in this series begins with the phrase found above in title
Reference Number
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