Letters between virrey Conde de Revilla Gigedo, Lorenzo, and Puertollano discussing the developments in Nuevo Santander and the reassignment of religious personnel first in this series begins with recivi el oficio.

Serial Number
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Lorenzo, Estevan (Obispo de Durango)
Puertollano, Ysidoro de (Padre)
End date
Colegio apostolico de pachuca, Mexico. February 16, 1793 - April 1, 1793. 22p. Approximate letters. Originals, copies. General command of Provincias Internas under authority of nava and which will now incorporate the virreynato de la peninsula de California, el nuevo reyno de leon y colonia del Nuevo Santander, puertollano's acknowledgement to make any adjustments in running of his missions if necessary, death of bisuete and illness of two other priests, founding of mission de helguera, informs that puertollano is seeking license to go to Spain to recruit 40 priests due to personnel shortage; sealed letter expressing puertollano's desire to avail himself from earlier commitment of sending 5 religiosos to Durango; puertollano stating that the death of bisute and the illness of two other priests is the reason that he seeks to redirect the 5 religiosos from Durango to tamauplia oriental, comments on the deteriorating condition of the mission Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe due to the death and illnesses mentioned and similar complaints lodged by the missions of san Jose and Coahuila as justification for his desire to redirect religious personnel; virrey informing nava on the developments mentioned above and tells him that he has communicated the same to the bishop of Durango; acknowledgement of Lorenzo of developments that will not permit 5 religiosos that he was supposed to receive from the colegio apostolico de pachuca from aiding him; virrey approving lorenzo' request for license to go to Spain to recruit personnel. (O. Velez, March 1989)
Nava, Pedro de (Brigadier)
Bisuete, Mariano (Fray)
Puertollano, Ysidoro de (Padre)
Lorenzo, Estevan (Obispo de Durango) Pareja, Juan Antonio (Fray)
Leon (Reyno)
Satebo, Santo Angel de (Mision)
Santander (Reyno)
Helguera (Mision)
Tamaulipa Oriental
Guadalupe, Nuestra Senora de (Mision)
Basanopa (Mision)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 051-062 (Approx) exp. 1
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 051-062 (Appro
Folios unnumbered, first in this series begins with the phrase found above in title.
Reference Number
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