Sobre ascensos de los oficiales de la secretaria de la comandancia general de Provincias Internas.

Serial Number
Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General)
Galvez, Joseph de
and others
End date
Provincias Internas. June 19, 1773-July 28, 1786. 132p. (Approx) Relacion, decretos, ordenes, oficios, letters. Signed, unsigned, copies, originals.
Correspondence between Croix, virrey, king, Galvez, others, in which determined that 'secretarias' of comandancia general have same right to privileges, salaries, promotions within 'real hacienda,' as 'secretarias' of virreynato. Issue begins with Croix requesting that virrey send copies of all reales Ordenes, etc. Regarding structure, treatment of secretarias in virreynato in order to 'extenderlas en los Propios Terminos' to those of comandancia general. Hierro advises virrey (See marginalia of Croix letter), confessing that extent of Croix's, secretarias' rights unclear, that Croix has promoted independence of region but now wants financial help from virreynato. Previous 'reales Ordenes' reviewed in order to solve dilemma; Croix, and officials whose futures rest on decision, plead with virrey. 'relacion de Merito,' recommendations, brief employment histories of several secretarias provided by Croix, Corvalan in hopes of promotion. Galvez determines that secretarias of comandancia general deserve same salaries (increases to come from 'fondos sobrantes' in virreynato), eligibility for promotion within virreynato; king, not virrey, will consider promotion of officials from comandancia general. 'estado' (folio 62) lists present and proposed salaries of secretarias. (last 32 folios of sequence (folios 32-64) contain many duplicates of decretos, letters, etc. Seen earlier in expediente. See sequence 6 for continuation of issue.) (L. Kerr, April 1989)
Mayorga, Martin de (Virrey)
Hierro, Phelipe del
Navarro, Juan (Director de Aduanas)
Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General)
Gomez Carpena, Manuel
Escobar, Jose
Hoz, Jose de la
Galvez, Jose de
Bucarely y Ursua, Antonio (Virrey)
Posada (Fiscal)
Paez, Miguel
Cossio, Pedro Antonio de
Croix, Marques de (Virrey)
Posada (Fiscal)
Corvalan, Christobal (Contador Oficial)
Carlos III
Arriaga, Julian de
Gusta, Benito (Oficial Segundo)
Sanchez Losada, Joseph (Oficial de Secretaria)
Elordui, Manuel de (Oficial de Secretaria)
Beltran, Josef Maria (Oficial de Secretaria)
Larraguivel, Josef Mariano (Oficial de Secretaria)
Peramas, Melchor de (Secretario)
Riva y Aguero, Francisco de la (Oficial Quinto)
Guraya, Josef Ygnacio (Oficial Sexto)
Villegas Puente, Josef (Oficial Septimo)
Quixano, Josef (Oficial Octavo)
Quixano, Mariano (Archivero)
Garrido y Duran, Pedro
Gasiot y Miralles, Juan de (Oficial)
Saenz de la Fuente, Bartholome (Oficial)
Neve, Phelipe de (Comandante General)
Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino)
Merino, Manuel
Bonilla, Antonio (Secretario)
Valero, Miguel Olea (Archivero)
Martines de Soria, Juan Jose
Galvez, Mathias de (Virrey)
Matamoros, Francisco
Chihuahua (Villa)
Alamos (Cajas)
Nueva Vizcaya
Monclova (Villa)
San Yldefonso
Military Groups
Nueva Vizcaya, Quarta Compania Volante de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 156 ff. 190-255 (Approx) Numero 6
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 156 ff. 190-255 (Appro
First 190 folios (Approximately) of Volume unfoliated, followed by exp. 6 which is foliated. This series covers ff. 1-65.
Reference Number
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