Serial Number
Gutierrez de la Cueva, Juan (Comandante)
Navas, Pedro de
Vaamonde, Manuel de (Gobernador)
and others
Beginning date
End date
Padilla, Monterrey, Mexico, Saltillo. August 10, 1790-July 13, 1791. 92p. Informes. Signed.
New accusations against Vaamonde are raised in a confidential frontier, gambling. Anonymous vecinos of Monterrey ratify these charges and Argue that all the evidence Vaamonde presented in his favour (ff.7-38) was written by people who owed him money as a result of gambling. The viceroy warns Vaamonde that unless he presents satisfactory explanation, he will be removed from his post. He also urges Vaamonde to go to Punta de Lampazos and take care of the military company personally. In his reply, Vaamonde reviews the law in force regarding the place where officers must reside and describes the arms he needs to equip the company in his charge. (A. Nielsen, September 1989)
Vaamonde, Manuel de (Gobernador)
Gutierrez de la Cueva, Juan (Comandante)
Ganceda, Manuel (Alcalde)
Fernandez, Jose (Teniente de Gobernador)
Pariente, Jose
Trevino, Vicente
Larragosti, Vicente
Montemayor, Juan Francisco
Gonzalez, Francisco Antonio
Gonzalez, Toribio
Gonzalez, Tadeo
Ramos, Antonio
Gonzalez, Jose Joaquin
Garcia, Esmeregildo
De la Garza, Juan Antonio
Gonzalez Santianez, Vicente (Gobernador)
Melo, Alexandro
Samoano, Agustin
Robles, Fulano
Larrayoz, Juan Maria
Mexia, Juan Manuel
Aguirre, Jose Antonio
Galicia, Jose Antonio
Vallesteros, Xstobal
Vallesteros, Juan Estevan
Ramos, Juan Ignacio
Pedro Josef (Indio)
Navas, Pedro de
Sada, Juan Manuel
Galicia, Francisco
Valdez, Julian
Punta de Lampazos (Pueblo)
Padilla (Villa)
Linares (Ciudad)
Cadereita (Villa)
Pilon (Valle)
Mota (Valle)
Salinas (Valle)
San Jose (Rancheria)
Guadalalupe (Mision)
Tamaulipa (Sierra)
Nuevo Santander (Colonia)
Potosi, San Luis
Military Groups
La Punta, Compania Volante de
Milicias Urbanas
Milicianos, Compania de
Guadalajara, Regimiento Provincial de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 151 ff. 051-096 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 151 ff. 051-096 (Appro
Reference Number
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