Testimonies of abuses committed by alcalde Baez against hacendados and mineros from real de Vallecillos

Serial Number
Vaamonde y Villamil, Manuel de
Mejia, Juan Manuel
and others
Monterrey, vallecillos. November 13, 1790. 46p. Letters, informes, autos, peticiones. Originals, signed, copies.
Series of testimonies explaining details of what kind of abuses were committed by Alcalde Baez, who forced hacendados to pay, each, one soldier for defense of real de Vallecillos. Hacendados complain that Baez took animals and money from them to benefit himself. Testimonies are taken from people who were affected by abusive behavior from Alcalde Baez. Document explain context of events arguing that all was to protect haciendas and dwellers from Indians who used Vallecillos as a port of entry. (M. Marroquin, August 1989)
Vaamonde y Villamil, Manuel de (Gobernador)
Flores, Manuel
Gonzalez, Nicolas (Testigo)
Baez, Juan (Alcalde Mayor)
Cordero, Joseph (Hacendado)
Zaem, Pablo (Sargento)
Villarreal, Xavier de
Urbina, Lorenzo
Villarreal, Nicolas de
Reyna, Nicolas Antonio
Serna, Blas
Mendiola, Juan Francisco
Noriega, Juan de
Yrcuino, Ysidro (Alcalde Mayor)
Flores, Joseph Maria
Garza, Maria Antonieta de la (Testigo)
Tato, Roque
Garza, Simon de la
Santon, Joseph Lazaro de los (Testigo)
Villarreal, Esteban de
Peche, Estolano
Garcia, Borja
Elisondo, Francisco
Cordero Ruiz, Joseph
Amezua, Juan de
Lozano, Juan Angel
Morado, Joseph Esteban
Garcia, Joachin
Mendiola, Pedro
Salas, Joseph Gervacio
Gonzalez de Maya, Joseph Nicolas (Juez)
Leon, Felipe Natal de (Secretario)
Fato, Julian Antonio (Capitan)
Mejia, Juan Manuel (Licenciado)
Monterrey (Ciudad)
Vallecillos (Real)
Boca de Leones (Real)
Nuevo Reyno de Leon
Salinas (Real)
Sombreretillo (Hacienda)
Military Groups
Vallecillos, Compania Miliciana de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 145 ff. 188-211 exp. 1 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 145 ff. 188-211 exp. 1
Document repetitive. Folios unnumbered
Reference Number
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