Carpeta 2a. expediente de Nueva Vizcaya desde el ano 1772 hasta 79 inclusive.

Serial Number
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Fray)
Valcarzel, Domingo
Toro, Joseph Rodriguez del
and others
Beginning date
End date
Mexico. 2-15 April, 1772. 46p. (Approx) letters. Copies.
Documents mention meeting called to discuss 23 years of Indian depredations in Chihuahua -- specifically, last 4 years of Apache murders, thefts, cruelties. Detailed account of Apache depredations (herd theft and killing, horse and Mule theft, murder of soldiers, attacks on Mule trains, tobacco and clothing theft) included from land and mine owners and merchants. Includes peso estimates of material losses and prose tabulation of dead and wounded. Mentions difficulty of fighting mounted Indians who wield guns and Shields and who have high endurance (notes Indian ability to run night and day sustained by trail food Pinole). Includes lengthy discussion of timing and quantity of military salaries throughout New Spain. (S. Gibbs, September 1989)
Gorraez, Jospeh de
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Fray)
Vega Villasis, Laso de la
Valcarzel, Domingo
Toro, Joseph Rodriguez del
Areche, Joseph (Fiscal)
Chrisosomo de Barroeta, Juan (Regente)
Abad, Santiago (Contador)
Toral Valdez, Pedro
Gutierrez de Gerrera, Juan Antonio
(?), Fernando Maria
Arze y Arroyo, Juan Antonio de (Comandante General)
Mayorasgo de Valerio, (?)
Croix, Marques de (Virrey)
Oconor, Hugo (Teniente Coronel)
Rubi, Marques de
Fayni, Joseph (Gobernador)
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente)
Tora, Nicolas de la (Ingeniero)
Rabago, Pedro de
Chihuahua (Villa)
Nueva Vizcaya
Santa Eulalia (Mina)
Parral (Real)
Durasno (Paraje)
Conchos (Presidio)
Cosiguriachi (Real)
Cosiguriachi (Canada)
Janos (Presidio)
Dolores (Hacienda)
Tabalsapa (Hacienda)
Jugo (Canada)
Bachinba (Hacienda)
Tabonera, San Antonio de la (Hacienda)
Camino Real
Nuevo Mexico
Paso del Norte (Presidio)
San Geronimo (Pueblo)
Nombre de Dios (Pueblo)
Tamera (Hacienda)
San Bartholome y Bachimba (Valle)
Conchos (Rio)
Banco (Paraje)
Florido (Rio)
San Pedro (Rio)
Santa Eulalia (Villa)
Ererio (Real)
Durango (Ciudad)
Huejuquilla (Presidio)
Cerro Gordo
Julimes (Presidio)
San Saba, Cerrogordo (Presidio)
Santa Rosa (Presidio)
Monclova (Presidio)
Norte (Rio)
San Juan Baptista (Rio)
San Juan Baptista (Presidio)
Coahuila (Provincia)
San Antonio de Bexar (Presidio)
Grande (Rio)
Coahuila (Districto)
Pitic (Real)
Nayarit (Provincia)
Durango (Inmediaciones)
San Agustin de Ahumada
San Diego (Rio)
San Fernando de Austria (Villa)
Ethnic Groups
Apaches Lipanes
Military Groups
Cathaluna, Compania de Voluntarios de
Julimes, Compania de
Cerrogordo, Compania de
San Sala, Compania de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 132 ff. 475-498 (Approx) exp. 20 (?)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 132 ff. 475-498 (Appro
Internal folio numbers within this expediente, but Volume is unfoliated. This expediente begins with phrase quoted in title above.
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